9 Holiday Cocktail Party Ideas Worth $99

9 Holiday Cocktail Party Ideas Worth

Your amazing holiday cocktail party

We’d love to throw a cocktail party to make drunk Margo Channing happy, but most of us don’t have the money she has, much less Bette Davis’s. That’s why we’ve put together this list of amazing holiday cocktail party ideas at a great price.

A celebratory cocktail party eccentric enough for the rich

I’m not even a fan of Bette Davis – “Take his gay card!” – but she’s clearly talking to me about this holiday cocktail party of all holiday cocktail parties. But it’s fitting that even in death we have a smaller budget than they do.

So you want to throw a holiday cocktail party for all your party boys, but you don’t want your holiday package to be ruined. I understand it. You want to save that shot and your ball for something else. Well, the list below is all you need.

1. Diversity is the spice of life but the death of a party budget

Variety is good for a healthy diet and an exciting sex life. It’s expensive to throw a celebratory cocktail party on a budget.

Vodka, gin, whiskey, beer, wine, champagne – it’s a nice selection, but this is a party where you want to provide a more unique experience than your local gay bar.

For this purpose, a signature cocktail or drink is sufficient. Try a retro rum punch, rosemary collins, cranberry margs or my favorite whiskey slush. If you want to complement your signature cocktail with a case of beer or a reasonably priced wine, head to Wallz.

Also remember: If your guests are good at being guests, many of them will bring wine or something else to show their appreciation for your hospitality.

2. The queens eat less than 50% of the food, so spend less on food

What’s rarer than a unicorn hopping on frankincense and myrrh? A recovering disco queen who delivers two punches at the buffet table. So do yourself a favor and save yourself the effort, time and money for a rich buffet.

Should you provide food? Yes! Should you prepare so much food that your guests break the holiday sleigh weighing station on the way home? NO.

In just a few weeks, you and each of your guests want to lose 10 pounds of holiday weight. Save everyone calories and just make sure you have enough food so no one goes hungry and everyone has enough to enjoy your amazing signature cocktail.

A simple cheese, sausage and bread spread with extra virgin olive oil, probably the only virgin at your gay holiday cocktail party, is a good base. Throw out some nuts – too easy – crumbled dark chocolate and crudités and no one will come away unsatisfied.

3. The fanciest Christmas decorations are inexpensive lights and candles

Just as we are expected to dress well, travel widely, and love Judy Garland, we are also expected to have the best decorated house on the block. While this may be expected, it is also expensive.

Unless you’re one of those smart men who remembers December 26th and then actually buys Christmas decorations and cards, Christmas decorations for a frugal Christmas cocktail party are prohibitively expensive.

Candles and inexpensive Christmas lights not only create a warm and intimate atmosphere, they also make all your guests look younger and thinner. You could put up a tree, ornaments, and more (Judy) garland, but they cost more than they’re worth, clutter up your space, and can seem cheap if overdone.

4. The White Christmas channel on Pandora is free and stylish

Another way to create the right mood is to use the right tunes. It’s probably unthinkable to have a gay holiday cocktail party without Madonna playing in the background, but it’s unthinkable to play Madonna’s version of Santa Baby instead of Eartha Kitts.

Get “White Christmas” or “Rat Pack Christmas” for free on Pandora and you’ll have the best Christmas songs you need, with just a few annoying commercials – think of it like the cost of a modern DJ in front of the pots and pans plays.

5. Host after dinner, pre-dinner cocktails

The holidays are so focused on food that everyone wants a gastronomic vacation at the end of the holiday season. So make your pre-planned cocktail party a break in the middle of the holidays.

Your invitation shouldn’t say, “Come over after dinner and leave when it’s time to hit the bars!” Invite your guests at 7 or 8 p.m. and sell your party at the right place before everyone go to the clubs. That way, no one expects you to provide dinner, just a few apps, and most people will leave before they get too crazy.

6. BYOB in front of the HCP (holiday cocktail party)

Want to spice up your Christmas cocktail party? Have an impromptu or less organized party before your formal cocktail party. Tell your guests that the former is BYOB. BOYB parties usually leave behind a large supply of alcohol that can be used as supplies for the next party.

With this secret stash, your well-behaved holiday cocktail party guests, and your signature cocktail, you’ll have more than enough for your guests and not too much for your wallet.

7. Announce it’s BYOB, then surprise with your signature cocktail

The most expensive item at almost every party is alcohol. That’s why we’re putting so much emphasis on alcohol in this article about your celebratory cocktail party. If you don’t want to prepare your holiday cocktail party in advance, you can always easily customize it. Tell your friends that the party is private and that you will provide any necessary food and lodging.

Then surprise all your guests with your signature cocktail.

8. Brew cinnamon and nutmeg to make it smell like Christmas

The more you can stimulate all five senses at your celebratory cocktail party, the more your party will stimulate your guests. But this isn’t your grandpa’s party, so don’t waste your money on a Yankee Candle.

Make your holiday party smell like Christmas with a homemade potpourri of cinnamon and nutmeg on your stove. This gives the air and humidity a touch of holiday for your guests’ skin.

9. Save more by giving more – tax deduction

Be honest! The best thing about the holidays is getting free stuff.


The best thing about the holiday season is that it is a time for giving. So get more by giving more. Make your festive cocktail party a fundraiser for your favorite charity. Ask your friends to each make a small donation to the charity of your choice. This way you can deduct all expenses for your Christmas party from your taxes.

The best part is that Uncle Sam will essentially throw your party for free. Again: NO! The best part is that you and your guests donate to people in need.

The thing about Christmas parties is that we often overdo it. While we’re in no way against tops in any form, blowing a budget you can barely afford is hardly the way to end the year. Figure out which parts of a holiday cocktail party are most important to you and your party guests, and you’ll have a great feast for less money.

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