Hello! Are you new here? We’re glad you found our gay little corner of the internet. Here at Debt Free Guys, we’re all about helping queer people live a life they truly love inside and out. We believe that happiness is a 360 degree experience (purpose, love, money, well-being and lifestyle) that you too deserve. After reading our article below, Find out here how we can help you.
Maintaining a gay social life is a gay old time
A fabulous gay life means having a fabulously gay social life, but a fabulously gay social life can mean a fabulously small bank account. Unless you follow the steps below and receive your free copy 5 building blocks for a happy gay life Here.
A gay social life is a full-time job
When we were finally independent and as open and proud as we could be, our gay social life was as full as the time-space continuum would allow. Between dinners, happy hours, dancing, and traveling, we were out every day of the week except Mondays. Monday was for relaxation – even dancing queens in their 20s need a break.
Heidi reminds us weekly: “In fashion, one day you’re in and the next day you’re out.” In the gay social scene it’s no different, and only then is it terrible to be out.
We didn’t say no to anything because as much as we wanted to be seen, we also wanted to see – see men dancing, men without shirts, men, men, men. Our gay social life was fun, carefree and exciting.
Until it wasn’t the case anymore.
As you’ve probably already guessed, our carefree spending and busy social lives have caught up with us. We went from dancing on bar counters to living in a basement apartment in a financial hole. Some holes are no fun.
Long story short, we paid off $51,000 in credit card debt in two and a half years. But, We couldn’t go from social butterflies to hermit crabs cold turkey. Absolutely not, Jose Cuervo! We knew it If we didn’t have a merry time while paying off our debts We would never pay off our debts.
As we looked at our financial problems, we realized that our gay social life was part of our sad money problem. But we couldn’t do that not lead a social life. We came up with this plan Making our social lives more strategic was our solution. Of course, we have limited the frequency of our social contacts, but we have not completely given up being social.
We had to be more strategic and, if you’re paying off debt or working toward a financial goal, You also need to be strategic. If you are raising children with a social life, a social planner is much more important.
1. Enter birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and other special occasions
Even if you limit your social contacts to save more money than before, you still want to stay in touch with your friends and family. The easiest way to keep them from forgetting you because they see you less often is to think about them more – or make them think so.
Get religious about sending birthday, anniversary and holiday cards. Becoming a card sender does not require a small loan from Hallmark. You can get reasonably priced cards at Target – stay away from the Papyrus store – or, if you’re currently strapped for cash, you can shop at a dollar store.
Enter important dates in your Fabulous Social Life calendar here. Some holidays and special occasions mean more than just sending cards, e.g. E.g. gathering with friends and family for a Thanksgiving feast and a Fourth of July barbecue.
Adding and planning these gay social life activities in advance can help you budget appropriately. For example, if the holidays are a strain on your wallet, plan which holidays you will attend based on what you can afford and what is most important to you. Remember that some celebrations allow you to see more people at the same time and make it easier to stay in touch.
2. List future gay social events
The gays in the social scene are always planning something. Dance party here, networking event there. Then there’s a fundraiser and then Beer Bust. There’s always Beer Bust.
It can be a full-time job and a full paycheck.
But you can’t do everything and you don’t want everyone to forget about you. Plan by adding your to-dos for your gay social life that are most important to you. We think that two events a month is just perfect. Choose events that give you the most bang for your buck, be it the number of friends you meet, the fun, or the money you save.
Remember to mix up your social calendar a little occasionally so you can meet new people and experience new things. This will reduce the risk of boredom and the risk of spending money out of boredom.
3. Add free and cheap things to your gay social life
Once you’ve packed your Fabulous Social Life Planner with important events, add free and affordable events that you, your family, and friends enjoy doing. This step may require some brainstorming. You’ll be surprised at how many free and cheap things you love to do but never think about.
Then you say, “I’m bored,” and spend money to satisfy your boredom. That’s why the Fabulous Social Life Calendar is so helpful.
Start by adding the obvious to your social planner, like watching Netflix. Heck, it’s cheaper to watch movies on iTunes than to see them in the theater. Have a movie night/pot luck and split the cost. You still won’t pay as much to see this film as you would if you went to the cinema.
Friends of ours have a large outdoor terrace and show films there every month throughout the summer with their film projector. Everyone joins in and it’s really fun.
Another example of how we live a gay social life is playing Rummycube. My family is addicted to this game! We also have friends who are into it. A few times a year we get together for a Rummycube tournament with snacks, beer or wine and it’s a cheap, fun evening.
These are some of our examples. You and your people have your own passions, but it’s helpful to plan them and put them on your calendar.
4. Google and plan free and cheap things to do in your gay social life
Most cities and regions have blogs, city guides or websites that list free and cheap activities in the area. Denver offers free and affordable events and activities listed on Denver.org. We also have MileHighOnTheCheap.com. In Philadelphia there are free things listed at PhillyFunGuide.com and in New York City there is TheSkint.com. These are just the places we go.
Find similar resources for where you live and travel and add them to your calendar of seasonal activities and activities you might not otherwise consider.
5. Enter your money, life goals and life tasks
Update your budget at least once a month. We do this twice a month. When planning your social calendar, keep the following in mind:
- Expected income for the month
- Expected expenses for the month
- Social expenses for the month
- Assets
- Debts
- Assets
Writing these down on your calendar will keep your goals top of mind, even if you have a fantastic gay social life. Then complete your gay social life and fantastic life planning by writing down your monthly life goals and the tasks required to achieve your monthly life goals.
Planning is important for success, with this simple formula, You can plan what’s important to you and save money. You will reach your money goals in no time and still have a joyful time.
Get more helpful tips for a fabulously gay (and affordable) social life: