Opportunities to form content from other users

Opportunities to form content from other users

I know that Instagram It is mainly about sharing striking pictures – pictures, videos, advertising campaigns and even a shop front for your own business. But in truth I spend much more time to publish the content of other people in the content than my own.

Sure, Instagram is a powerful social media tool that can help me to increase the reach of my brand and win new business.

However, it is also time -consuming and can be expensive to maintain the volume of the original content that is necessary to grow the commitment in the long term. That is exactly why I learned how to repeat on Instagram.

In this post I will lead you through a few simple, free options to re -publish on Instagram. However, let me explain why and how reposting your brand can benefit.

Table of contents

Why should your brand publish on Instagram?

Instagram is one of the largest social media sites on the market. With over Two billion a monthly active userBrands that include the website in your marketing strategy can achieve a larger target groups and attain visibility to other social media channels faster.

And with such audiences you want to consistently publish high-quality content-but this can take time, effort and resources that do not yet fit your budget. Since most marketers post between 3 and 4 times a week, they should have a gap to content to keep up with demand.

In addition, user -generated content (UGC) works exceptionally well. Actually, 93% of the marketers According to Bilo’s study, the UGC in marketing campaigns are that it is significantly better than conventional brand content. This will find 70% of the gene Z and 78% of the millennials a very helpful part of their purchase trip.

For example, consider the power of Warby Parker to publish this funny picture of one of his customers, @cjronson:

The image not only appeals to Warby Parker customers, but the work of Warby Parker marketers was ultimately facilitated and did not have to create this content internally.

Reposting on Instagram can help you to highlight brands notes from your customers, brand loyalists and employees. UGC is usually considered more trustworthy because a consumer does not win anything by promoting your product or service (unless it is an advertisement) – you only do it to tell your audience that you Product like.

How to publish on Instagram new

With Instagram you can publish the roles and contributions of other users to your own own Instagram history with its native reposting functionality. However, it has its limits: You cannot repeat them to a permanent part of your Instagram profile, including your feed, roles or videos.

In other words, with Instagram you can only make the content of another for 24 hours max. If you want to keep it permanently, you can add it to an Instagram -Story -Highlight.

If you add a contribution to your constant feed and credit the original creator, I will show you how it works in the next sections. Let me show you for the time being how I put content into my story and add it to my highlights.

1. Navigate to the post office, roll or video that you want to publish again.

I first start Instagram after content that fits my brand. These could be regular contributions, roles or videos. I do this in the following:

  • Sometimes I am looking for popular industries -Hashtags to find great contributions from other brands and influencers.
  • In other cases, I will see my branded haash tags to determine whether customers or fans have posted user-generated content.
  • I also check for articles that I marked with one day and I have all matched my brand.
  • I have the feeds of brands in mind that I admire to find contributions that match my style.

Note: Remember that you can only publish content from users and brands with public profiles.

You can also publish other people’s stories as long as they are marked in them. You can find the ones you mentioned in your history in your direct messages.

If you want to connect better to people who mark them in their content, Social inbox Can help you.

With this social media management software from HUBSPOT, you can publish social media content from the same place where you create campaigns, the monitoring of the keywords. You have contextual conversions with your audience.

2. Click on the paper aircraft symbol on the post or the role.

As soon as I have chosen the contribution, the role or the video that I would like to share, I click on the Little Paper Airplane symbol. For photos and videos it is right next to the possible and comments.

So reposted on Instagram, Drift Kings Media Post Instagram Share button

For roles it is between the comment button and the three points.

How to reposted on Instagram, watercolor -Reel -instagram key key

3. In the popup menu, click “Add to the story”.

A menu is displayed with some outdoor saint options. If I share a post, I can add it to my story, send the original poster (if you allow answers) or send it to people with whom I interact on Instagram.

Here I scroll through the lower options (the apps) until I get Add to the story.

So reposted Instagram, Drift Kings Media post to increase history

The options are similar in roles.

How to publish on Instagram new

4. Tap to show and hide the caption of the post.

As soon as I click on it Add to the story, I see a draft of my story.

So repost on Instagram, Drift Kings Media Post Repost without subtitles

I have the option of switching on or off the caption by simply tapping on the post. This enables me to decide whether I want to visible or hide the original text.

So Repost on Instagram, Drift Kings Media Post Repost with caption

5. Add text, sticker, hashtags and other elements.

Here I get creative. Here I have to spice up the option, the story with text, stickers, hashtags or even a link (or a call) when adding added value. The goal is to feel the repost for me in the brand and to promote as much commitment as possible. Find out how to adapt your Instagram story here.

How to publish on Instagram, Drift Kings Media Post Repost with custom text

6. Click on “Your Story”.

When I am satisfied with the look, I tap off Your story On the ground to share it publicly with my followers.

Alternatively, I can click Close friends If I want only a selected group see them. There is also an arrow on the right side, which points options for sending the story via DM or only to my tight friend list.

So repost on Instagram, final hubpot -post -repost

7. Add the jointly used contribution to your highlights.

Since I cannot share reposted content directly into my permanent feed, I can add it to my highlights if I want to keep it visible for longer. Highlights remain in my profile indefinitely, which is a great way to present the reposted content that are most relevant or visually appealing. Find out here how to create highlights.

Here is an example from the supergo of the skin care stare:

How to publish on Instagram, super game Instagram highlights

Stories should be followed by the same best practices as for sharing a contribution. If you do not know the person and suspect the content that you want to transform, you can first be a licensed material. Provide the original posters if possible.

The screenshot method does not require any other websites to publish on Instagram. It is worth noting that this method only works for repeating photos and no videos.

That’s how I do it.

1. Find a photo on Instagram that you want to publish again and make a screenshot with your phone.

How to repost on Instagram, Drift Kings Medialife Instagram Screenshot

First I take a photo on Instagram that I would like to share, and then I do a screenshot with my phone.

When I use my iPhone, I press the home at the same time and lock until the screen flashes.

But on my Samsung (Android device) I also press the buttons for sleep/wake and volume until the screen flashes.

Pro tip: If you are worried that you accidentally capture personal information or notifications in your screenshot, change your phone to “not to disturb” the mode before taking it. This keeps your screenshot impressing.

2. Tap the new post button.

As soon as I have my screenshot, I go back to my Instagram account. On the medium floor of the screen, I tap the plus sign in a square.

So reposted on Instagram, Instagram New Post but

Then I choose post (This is the default setting and there are other options such as StoryPresent SinkAnd Live, But post is what I need).

How to publish a new contribution on Instagram on Instagram

Pro tip: If you use Instagram to increase the commitment, consider experimenting with different formats (such as roles) for a repeat content. You could find that certain types of articles receive better answers from your audience.

3. Size the size of the photo in the app.

So they reposted the size of the screenshot on Instagram on Instagram.

My phone screenshot contains everything on my screen, not just the photo that I want to repaint. So I cut or Size the size of the photo On Instagram to show exactly the picture I want to share. I do this by pinching or zooming the screenshot until it looks right.

Then I tap Next in the upper right corner.

Pro tip: Pay attention to the guidelines for the image orientation of Instagram. If you want your repost to appear properly in your grid, try to keep the picture in a square or vertical format. Also see a preview of how the Post -Tthumbnail looks in your profile grid before you are completed.

4. Edit and add filters of your choice.

How to publish filters on Instagram Screenshot on Instagram

Here I treat it like any other Instagram contribution – maybe I add a filter, fit the brightness or optimize the colors. I can also decide to add some music to turn it on.

Pro tip: Stay in accordance with the editing style you use in your feed. This helps to keep your branding cohesive. You can also use third-party processing apps before uploading to really highlight your repost.

5. Add a quote.

The repost does not contain automatic information for the original account information. Therefore, I make sure that the original poster intervenes in my caption “@ + (username)”. In this way everyone knows where the photo came from.

Pro tip: If you want to strengthen your relationship with the original creator, send you a quick DM so you know that you will post again. People usually appreciate the courtesy and can even share their position with their own followers.

6. Add a caption.

How to publish a caption in the new Instagram post on Instagram

Above I see a preview of my contribution and a place for a caption. If necessary, I can mark people or organizations or add a place where the contribution becomes more findable.

Pro tip: Use relevant hashtags to increase the likelihood that your repost will appear in hashtag search processes. You can also mark employees, partners or friends in the post to promote more interaction.

7. Click on release.

As soon as I have adjusted the post with the options mentioned above, I tap Tip share At the bottom of my screen and my repost goes live on my feed.

How to publish on Instagram, share new Instagram posts

This is what the finished product looks like:

So reposted on Instagram, the last new Instagram post

Pro tip: Think about whether your audience is planning your repost for times when your audience is most active. Planning tools are available, or you can simply pay attention to your own Instagram knowledge to find out the peak times.

What you know before replacing on Instagram

Before you re -publish content on Instagram, you should know some things:

1. You should understand usage rights and permissions.

Before re -publishing a photo, a role or a story, you would like to make sure you have the right to do so. The terms of use of Instagram and the guidelines of the community continue to apply, and the content can be specific usage rights. If you are not sure whether you can share it, you should ask the original poster for permission.

When I started releasing again, I often checked the user directly whether it was okay to share its content. This step gave me peace and helped me build positive relationships with other creators.

2. Always credit the original source.

I know that I have already mentioned this a few times in the article, but when reposting you should always give the original creator recognition by marking them in the post or history. Be sure to mention your grip in your title or historical text. This not only shows the respect for the work of the creator, but also builds up trust and good will.

3. Keep your context and messaging intact.

You do not want to twist a person’s contribution that it is not, so avoid being curtailed or edited the content in such a way that changes the original message. If you have to adjust the contribution for your audience, you can add stickers, text or other story elements, but keep the core content authentic.

4. Check the accuracy of the contribution.

Before you share the photo, the quote or the statistics of another, carry out a brief review to ensure that everything is factual and up -to -date. The new expansion of content that turns out to be misleading can affect their credibility.

I had a few moments when I was excited to share a trend post just to find out that it was not exactly exactly. If you take this additional minute to check the details, you protect – and your audience – the spread of misinformation.

5. Pay attention to privacy and sensitivity.

Remember that the person who publishes you again could share certain details with your audience, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is widespread beyond her own supporters.

If you find that a contribution contains sensitive content, it is advisable to check the data protection settings and the settings of the creator. You do not want to accidentally share personal or private moments without the complete consent of the original poster.

Description on Instagram Best Practices

If content is redesigned on Instagram, you should consider some best practices:

1. Care yourself with the original creator and her community.

Whenever I have the photo of another Neu I have, I would be happy to gain a thoughtful comment on your original post and respond to comments that you could have for my repost. You can do the same – this open dialogue helps you to build deeper connections to other creators, which can lead to future collaborations or mutual shares.

2. Be transparent about sponsored content.

If you share user-generated content that you or your sponsor want to highlight, follow the guidelines of Instagram and the FTC regulations. For example, I will add #sponsored or #ad to the caption if there is any form of brand shops. You do not want your followers (or the FTC) to think that they are misleading.

3. Integrate your own angle.

If you re -publish content, you are not afraid to add your personal turn. For example, I often add one or two sets Why This special contribution caught my attention or how it combines with the goals of my brand.

You should do something similar: take a moment to share your Perspective so that your followers understand what makes the repost valuable or relevant.


Timing can be everything on Instagram. I once experimented by shaping reposts at different times of the day and noticing that my contributions were given more commitment than I shared them for lunch or early evening.

You would like to keep an eye on your findings or analyzes to find out when your followers are most active and then plan your reposts accordingly.

5. Watch how often they are released again.

If you publish too often without publishing your original content, your account can feel like a patchwork of the contributions of other people. You don’t want to make the mistake so often to publish your own content in the shuffle.

Instead, close a balance by bringing your reposts out of the distance and mixing numerous original content to keep your stories personally (or professional) and committed.

PS if you have problems creating enough original content for your Instagram breezeA AI-operated social media agent who can generate mail suggestions that perfectly match your brand, your target group and brand identity.

It can also analyze your social performance, market details and best practices for marketing to build a social media strategy with several channel to strengthen awareness and promote conversions.

However, if you already have postal ideas, but want to expand (or shorten) your copy Drift Kings Medias Ki Social Media Post Generator can help. It can help you to overcome the block of the writer, create convincing caps, awaken contributions to channel and generate several AI supported Instagram posts that you can plan to go live at a later date.

Best apps for repetition on Instagram

1. Repost: contributions, stories, roles

Price: Free with in-app purchases

How to publish on Instagram, Repost app repost app


For Instagram for iOS or Android. The app integrates directly into Instagram so that you can release the content of other Instagram users from your mobile device.

If the Instagram profile of your brand follows a clear guide for brand style, Repost can help you to adapt your reposts to these guidelines. You can choose from over 50 different text styles and symbol art to create striking captions to attract more attention.

2. Downloadgram

Price: Free

So repost on Instagram, downloadgram

With Downloadgram, social media users can download high-resolution copies of content to re-publish their own accounts on Instagram.

You do not have to download an app to re -publish this process with this process. Instead, you can copy and insert the URL to download videos, photos, roles or stories to publish them via PC.

3. Snapinsta

Price: Free

How to publish on Instagram, Snapinsta

Snapinsta offers an efficient way to download HD quality Instagram photos, videos and rolls with which your reposts look sharp and appealing. Simply copy the Instagram link, add it to Snapinsta and download the content to simply share it in your feed or your story.

Faqs About reposting on Instagram

1. How do you publish on Instagram?

There are two ways to re -publish content on Instagram. The first one is to share the original contribution of its history. Simply tap the paper aircraft symbol under the post you shared and then select Add to the story.

If you prefer to post it in your feed, you can use a screenshot or an app from third -party providers to download the image. Afterwards, upload it like a regular contribution and make sure that you credit the original creator in your lettering.

2. Is it okay to re -publish content from a private account?

The new post of a private account is not advisable. If someone is private, it means that he has decided to share his content with approved followers. You should always respect this limit.

Even if you see a great contribution behind a private profile, it is best not to re -publish it – or at least ask the account holder to explicit permission.

3. What is the best way to owe the original creator?

Mark the Creator directly in the caption (e.g. “Photo by @username”). If it is a story, you can also insert a text sticker with your handle. This avoids any confusion about whom the mail belongs. With the original poster, it not only keeps an appropriate creditworthiness, but also increases its visibility.

4. What if the original content contains a watermark or branding from the creator?

You should keep these elements visible. Removing or editing watermarks and logos can look disrespectful compared to the original creator. If you would like to add your own branding or text, place it separately from the Watermark of the Creator, so that there is no confusion about who has the item.

Share your favorite Instagram contributions

When I started to publish on Instagram, I thought it was just an easy way to clarify my audience and let them know that I was still active when I wasn’t in original content.

However, when I learned more about how I could share the content of others correctly, I realized that reposting on Instagram could be a strategic instrument to improve brand awareness and to build relationships with other creators/entrepreneurs.

I have learned that with a little care and respect, such as when sending a fast DM to the original creator or ensuring that your watermark is intact, you have a large contribution to building positive relationships on Instagram.

It also becomes clear that the timing is everything. Reposting at the right moment can help me achieve new eyes and the amazing work that I share to make adequately accessible.

After you have learned how to repeat on Instagram, you can diversify your profile with content from friends, family members and brands. Use the above methods – if you quote the source of the original contribution – to shape your favorite content quickly and easily.

If you want to quickly generate your own original Instagram contributions, read our free and customizable Instagram templates for Instagram contributions and stories.

Note from the publisher: This post was originally published in April 2017 and updated for completeness.

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