Amy Coney Barrett: The new gay agenda

Amy Coney Barrett: The new gay agenda

How does Amy Coney Barret affect us at the Supreme Court?

Amy Coney Barrett is the latest judge of the Supreme Court on a now conservative bank. We have to do that now to continue to fight for our rights.

HOW we can react to Amy Coney Barret Appointment:

Let’s focus on changes

In this episode of Queer Money®We share the four next steps that the Queer Community has to take in response to the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett. We explain why it is not much good for us to spend our time and energy that are upset or upset about the conservative majority at the Court of Justice and discuss the relationship between our individual financial security and the further development of LGBTQ rights.

We ask you to spend more than you do debts and pay out, and describe how your financial uncertainty holds back the queer community as a whole. Listen to get insights into saving and investing in order to secure your financial future and find out why giving LGBTQ causes and candidates for promoting the new gay agenda for the protection and expansion of our rights Meaning is.

Topics treated on Amy Coney Barret

How we think about the appointment of conservative judges to Scotus

  • Roberts and Kavanaugh do not always carry the Republican party line
  • Time and energy waste to get angry, demonize judges

The relationship between our individual financial security and the progress of the LGBTQ rights

  • Offers the ability to invest time and money in causes/people who support our rights
  • Only 1% of our $ 1 -$ buy purchase force = $ 10 billion for LGBTQ causes in the USA

4 steps we can take to promote the new gay agenda

  1. Stop spending more than we do
  2. Pay our debts
  3. Save and invest
  4. Give, give, give

Amy Coney Barrett: The new gay agenda

Resources for Amy Coney Barrett

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