3 crazy ways to get out of a rut

3 crazy ways to get out of a rut

The power to break away is not in a cup

Do you sometimes feel powerless and feel like there is no way to break away from your current course? We were there. Here are a few super simple tips to live life to the fullest!

Free yourself like an old master

Neither Socrates nor Plato nor any of their contemporaries, past, present or future, had a deeper puzzle to ponder than whether it is too late for coffee or too early for wine. If you’re stuck in the binary vortex of caffeine and tannins, you’re at a dead end and it’s time to break free.

When I go out to dinner, some fancy people I know get coffee instead of dessert. I wonder if they have trouble sleeping that night or if they have plans for afterward that I’m not invited to. If the latter, I hope they suffer from the former.

Then there is wine. In summer I like crisp, mineral Vino Verdes. The cooler it gets, the more I want light rosés, then medium-bodied pinots, then thick zinfandels. . . although thickness doesn’t matter (as I’m told).

Sometimes I only survive because of coffee and wine. You can’t swing an Asian civet in New York City without hitting an underemployed hipster carrying a glass of cold, steeped beer.

You had the power to break away all along

If you feel like I do some days, you need to get away from it. Victor Davis Hansen, the author of One Minute Millionairesaid: “You control your future, your destiny. What you think comes into being.” If that is true, and it is, then we have fooled ourselves and therefore we can free ourselves.

Have you ever asked yourself, “How did I get here?” or said, “It wasn’t supposed to be like this?” You have lost control of your life and are suddenly living up to other people’s expectations.

If I “need” coffee to get me through until 10 a.m. and wine from, well, 10 a.m., it’s because I’m not focused. Let’s be honest. Caffeine and alcohol are drugs. In moderation they are not bad. When they are needed, we are stuck.

If we are the masters of our tomorrow, we have mastered our yesterday, which made our today. Whether we know it or not, we have consciously or unconsciously led ourselves to this “one moment in time” with billions or seemingly unimportant little decisions. Yesterday’s decisions, thoughts and actions are today’s results.

Do you like what you see, hear, think and feel? Then go ahead, damn it!

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1. If it’s not big enough

Motivational speaker Les Brown tells the story of a man who passed an elderly couple on a porch every morning on his way to work. Their dog lay next to them every morning and moaned incessantly.

Finally one day the man said, “Excuse me, ma’am, but I walk past your house every day on the way to work and every day your dog moans. Why is he moaning?” The woman said, “Because, baby, he’s lying on a nail.” The man replied, “If he’s lying on a nail, then why won’t he get up?” She said, “Because, baby, it He’s uncomfortable enough to moan about it, but not uncomfortable enough to do anything about it.”

For us bean and grape drinkers, are coffee and wine our painkillers? If so, the problem isn’t the coffee, the wine, or any other excuse we make up. The problem is ourselves and how we view our problems. As a wise philosopher once said, “The problem is not your problem, but your attitude to the problem.” (Captain Jack Sparrow, pirates of the Caribbean).

It’s a harsh truth, but if we’re not happy with our day today, it’s our fault. It’s also a refreshing truth because as much as we did today, we’ll do it tomorrow.

Earl Nightingale said, “What we think, we become.” What are you thinking about? You don’t have to think long. The answer is all around you.

2. Break away from the breakfast club

John Hugh’s films don’t tell the story of his characters after they grow up. We don’t know what happened when his characters joined the 9-to-5 routine, started families, got a mortgage, and became the antagonist in someone else’s movie. From what we know, Jeanie Bueller takes Xanax, Duckie takes Paxil, and John Bender takes Lorazepam.

If, as Jim Rohn said, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, how are you doing? If everyone in your life lives for the weekend, are you dead Monday through Friday? If all your friends are stuck in detention, will you be there too?

If so, detach yourself and start working on yourself and your dreams. Surround yourself with others who are working on their dreams. Let them elevate your game and you elevate theirs.

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3. Change your brain

Change the talk in your head – that voice in your head that says you’re not good enough, smart enough, or hot enough to have this, that, or the other. This unconscious chatter is the bully in elementary school who laughed at you for not hitting the ball. This unconscious talk is the family drama of coming out. This unconscious conversation is the feeling of returning to a high school reunion.

This unconscious conversation is your neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). There are two exercises to change your NLP. The first is to recite affirmations. The second is to keep a gratitude journal.

Start by writing down a script that you can remember that describes the best version of you, your life, and what you want to accomplish. Be specific. Include dates, quantities and size, yes, size. For five minutes every day, morning and evening, close your eyes and recite your affirmations loudly and with emotion. Feel what you are saying and imagine what you are going to do. Imagine buying the car, getting the job and making the money.

Second, keep a gratitude journal and even on days when you feel like you have nothing to be grateful for, write down five things you are grateful for. Focusing on the positive will help you detach from the negative.

If you are unlucky and get into trouble, it is within your power to get out of trouble. So loosen up, loosen up and live it up.

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