How to create a QR code in 5 simple steps

How to create a QR code in 5 simple steps

A few years ago I remember that I went in my favorite biscuit business and effortlessly shot through a shiny, laminated menu. Every time I go out, I handed over a table tent in which I am instructed to scan a QR code with my phone to search the menu.

And it’s not just restaurants – many shops, cafes and even art galleries are urging us to focus on tiny squares to pay invoices, see product details or access guides. It is as if these codes close the traditional, material world and the digital area.

Today, creating your own QR code is incredibly easy and a convenient way to close the online and offline experience in your company, save overhead and carry out slim marketing campaigns. In this article I will show you how you can create your own QR code for a link in just five steps – even if you are not a technology expert.

Table of contents

What is a QR code?

The QR code is short for the “quick answer code”. It is a square black and white symbol that is scanned with a smartphone or laser to learn more about a product or service. These encrypted squares can contain content, links, vouchers, event details and other information that users want to see.

QR codes usually look like this:

How to create a QR code

Not every QR code is shaped like a perfect square. Sometimes they have Unique patterns, colors and logos displayed inside. You will find them in non-digital rooms such as direct advertising, signage, advertising boards and even TV shows in which you can scan the code on the screen with your phone.

QR codes against barcodes

QR codes and barcodes are similar in that they are both visual representations of data, but how the information stored in them is read. Barcodes are one -dimensional and the data stored in it are read horizontally. QR codes are two-dimensional and the data stored in it are read horizontally and vertically.

Both barcodes and QR codes can be scanned with a laser or smartphone as long as the tool used has the correct functions to read vertical and horizontal data. Although most of the smartphones qr codes automatically scan, many do not scan barcodes so easily – they need one Special app for that.

The rise of QR codes means traditional barcodes of the past. Of course not. Traditional barcodes are still a common way for companies to identify consumer packaging (CPGs) and manage their product inventory.

Conventional barcode against QR code

However, there are different differences between barcodes and QR codes – both in their uses and in their properties. Three important differences are listed below.

QR codes are formed differently

Barcodes are typically rectangular, for which scan devices have to read the data of the barcode horizontally. QR codes are often shaped square and show your data vertically and horizontally.

QR codes contain different data

QR codes are often used differently than barcodes. Barcodes keeps important product information at the point of sale such as the price and the name of the manufacturer. QR codes offer passive and intangible information such as location data and URLs for advertising campaigns and product target pages.

QR codes contain more data

Due to the square form of a QR code, it can contain a lot more data compared to a barcode. QR codes can hold encrypted characters hundreds of times than a barcode.

We learned a little how barcodes and QR codes differ, but how exactly do QR codes work?

How do QR codes work?

The marketers were originally developed in Japan for use in the automotive industry and took over the QR code because it has large storage capacity and the possibility of translating additional information to consumers that can go beyond the packaging or advertising of a product.

Let us assume that a consumer sees a QR code. You can remove your mobile device, download a free QR code -Scan -app or simply use the camera of your phone and scan the QR code to get more information about what you have seen.

For example, if you want to create a bus stop that advertises your podcast, you can display a QR code for this printed display that scan the people on your iTunes page directly with your telephones. Quite easy, right?

I used to think it was difficult to create a QR code, but it is actually not. No matter which device I use, the process feels pretty seamless. I do the following.

How to create a QR code on every device

Step 1: In every browser, access a QR code congregation.

How to create a QR code, QR -Codegenerator

First I open the browser that I have practically – Chrome, Safari, Firefox – and navigate to a QR code manufacturer. I use for this demonstration Don’t worry if you prefer another page. There are many other free, web-based QR code tools that exist. If you are stuck, you will find some recommendations here.

Step 2: Insert your URL into the generator.

How to create a QR code, QR -Codegenerator Link Insert

I usually create a QR code to send someone to a website, so I simply tap into the URL in the QR code. But it doesn’t have to be a link – I can also transform a contact card, a PDF or even an MP3 into a QR code.

Below there are options for creating QR codes for things like Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files. The exact selection depends on the tool, but most of the platforms give me fields that I can fill out as soon as I outstrip a content type. For example, if I should save my QR code of contact information, I will see fields for my e -mail address, subject line and message.

As soon as I have entered my URL or can upload a file, the tool immediately generates a QR code. Technically speaking, I could download it immediately, but I prefer to spice it up a little first so that it feels more on the brand.

Step 3: Adjust your QR code if necessary.

How to create a QR code, adjust the QR code

This is where the fun begins. I think it’s great that I can add my logo or the color scheme for mine Website design and general brand mood. Use the basic generator on Qr-code-generator.comI can optimize the frame, shape or colors. If I need more adaptation, I can register and lock myself into the sheep portal to get even more design options.

After I have registered, I get access to something like this:

How to create a QR code, QR -Codegenerator -Tool,

Just remember that not every QR code offers these adaptation functions. If you cannot find what you need in a place, you may have to try another generator.

Step 4: Download your QR code.

How to create a QR code, download the QR code

When I strive for speed and simplicity, I skip the registration and just hit Download. The website I use could stimulate the creation of an account, but I ignore these input requests unless I really want to save and manage several QR codes.

A message above usually says that my code is created and to avoid refreshing the page. A popup appears within a few minutes, so I can save my shiny new QR code and start with it. And that’s it – I have a custom QR code ready to go!

Step 5: Use the QR code for marketing and advertising.

A QR code cannot do his job unless people see him. So make sure that you add the code to materials that help you market your company. This can include ads in printed ads, clothing or in physical places where people can take their phones out of scanning. Scroll down to get further tips for the proper display of a QR code.

How to add the JPG or Vectord file to print collateral, you can do this with a variety of tools, including:

  • canvas -Canva is an online design tool with which you can import JPG files and add to your design. It offers flyer and brochure templates for easy creation.
  • Prayer – Funky is a tool that resembles canva and can add it to a design with JPG files. It also offers templates for you to choose from.
  • Adobe Illustrator And InDesign -If you are an extended user, you can use a dedicated graphic design tool to add your QR code to brochures and brochures. Illustrator fits well with one -sided designs. InDesign goes better with multi -sided brochures.

If you are on a mobile device, you can create good news: You can easily create a QR code that you can share on the go with colleagues and potential customers. You need the Google Chrome app to do this. So I create QR codes on Android and iOS devices:

How to create a QR code on Android

I have found that it is very uncomplicated to create a QR code on my Android phone, especially when I use the Chrome app. At the moment you can only create QR codes for URLs, but that’s perfect if I have to share a product page quickly. Blog postOr another website with someone.

I do the following:

  • I start downloading the Google Chrome app from the Google Play Store.
  • Then I go to the specific URL that I want to share.
  • Once on this page I tap the three vertical points (â‹®) above.

How to create a QR code on Android

  • In the popup menu I choose share.
  • Then I slide the options at the top in the new menu until I see the QR code.

Create a QR code, create a QR code on Android

  • From here I can either type Download At the end you save the QR code as an image, or I can simply think of my phone to a person to scan it.

How to create a QR code, QR code on Android

And that’s it – I have a shared QR code directly from my phone.

Note: Depending on the Chrome version, the interface can look a little different.

How to create a QR code on iOS

Just like with Android, I can simply create a QR code on my iPhone or iPad. Here is my process:

  • First I download the Google Chrome app from the App Store. Note: The Google Search app does not work for this.
  • Next I navigate to the specific URL that I would like to share.
  • I guess that share Button in the lower right corner of the screen.

How to create a QR code on iOS

  • Then I choose Create a QR code.

How to create a QR code, create QR code on iOS

  • From here I can think of my phone to a person or I can type share To print the QR code, save the image in my camera roll or save it for later use in my files.

How to create a QR code, QR code on iOS

How to use Chrome to create a QR code for the desktop

Creating a QR code with Chrome on the desktop is just as easy as with Android and iOS. Here you can find out how to do it:

  • I open chrome on my computer.
  • I go to the URL that I want to share.
  • When I use a Linux, Windows or Mac computer, I go to the right side of the address bar and click on the three points.

How to create a QR code on the desktop

  • I choose from the popup Throw, save and shareThen beat Create QR code.

How to create a QR code, create QR code COP -UP -UP

  • Now I can either copy the QR link, download the QR code or scan on another device with a camera.

How to create a QR code, QR code regeneration on the desktop

Pro tip: When you click copyChrome adds it to your clipboard. This is super practical if you want to quickly insert the code into a design tool like Canva or Photoshop.

How to create a QR code on Microsoft Edge

Creating a QR code on Microsoft Edge is also a child’s play. It is very similar that it can be done on Chrome and I love how quickly I can share URLs with others or save the QR code directly on my device. So I do it:

  • I open Microsoft Edge on my computer.
  • I navigate to the URL that I want to share.
  • I right clicks on the page with the right mouse button.
  • In the drop-down menu I choose Create the QR code for this page.

How to create a QR code, create QR code Microsoft Edge

  • That’s it! The QR code is immediately displayed on my screen and ready to be scanned by someone else. If I want to hold on to it, I can download it directly to my laptop.

How to create a QR code, QR code appears on Microsoft Edge

Bonus: As soon as I created the QR code, Microsoft Edge “reminds”. If I ever need it again, I just click on them QR code symbol On the right side of the address bar, and it is there!

If you take these steps, you can easily create a QR code with Microsoft Edge, so that you can easily release URLs with others or conveniently save the code for future use.

How to use QR codes (and like not)

Now that you see how easy the QR code process process can be, let us talk about some best practices that increase the likelihood that your QR code will actually be used.

Show your QR code in which the people can easily scan.

Set QR codes in places where scanning is easy, and it is enough time for the consumer to scan the code. While you often see QR codes on advertising boards and TV commercials, you are not exactly the most user-friendly locations.

It is a security risk to tempt people to pull their phones out for scanning a code while driving, and a 30-second commercial may not be enough time so that someone will find their phone and scans the television.

Instead, think in places where consumers have time and ability to scan the code. Places with a strong Wi-Fi connection also help.

Optimize the target page of the QR for mobile devices.

Mobile optimize the page to which you send people. Consumers will use their telephones when scanning the QR code so that they should get to one side with a positive mobile experience.

Add a CTA to ask people to scan their QR code.

If you offer a call-to-action (CTA) with the code on the name, tell the people what to do when you see the code and what you get when you scan it. Not everyone knows exactly what a QR code is, and those who do this are not motivated to scan it, unless they are sure that it is worth something on the other.

Do not limit your QR code to a mobile scanner.

Do not require a special QR code scanner. Your QR code should be app-tagnostic so that everyone can scan their code with every reader. A lower entry barrier makes success for you and the user more likely.

Use your QR code to facilitate the life of a person.

Do not use a QR code just to use one. For example, it is common for marketers to think: “How can I bridge the offline experience with the online experience? Uhhh … QR code! “It’s not wrong, but it’s not always right either.

If you have content that makes sense to deliver to a mobile user and do a suitable channel for this (see No. 1 at the beginning of this section), it is more likely that your QR code will achieve the results.

How to use no QR code

You do not want to add a QR code to digital content that people mainly consume on their mobile devices. This includes social media contributions, stories, videos and SMS messages. Sure, each of these ingredients can be technically seen outside a smartphone, but they are usually not. Save these channels for conventional URLs and release methods.

We used to show you an example of how to create your own QR code, but you don’t have to create it from scratch. A QR code converter can accelerate the process (and also remove a lot of mathematics.)

There are tons of QR code generators. The best offer you many customizable options for using your QR code and compatibility with almost all apps with mobile QR code readers apps.

Other things that you have to search for when choosing a QR code congregation are whether you can track and analyze the performance in real time and design a code that is clear to your brand.

Below you will find some of our preferred QR code congregations that create custom QR codes quickly and easily.

1. Kaywa

How to create a QR code, Kaywa QR code

Kaywa is a simple QR code-generator without foot that creates basic codes for vouchers, urls and contact information. Simply enter your information, choose whether you want a dynamic or static code, and generate it.

Why I like it

If I use my QR code as part of a marketing campaign, I can follow analyzes via Kaywa by creating an account. This means that I have current data about who interacted with my code where they were when they scanned them and when they did it. It is incredibly helpful to understand how my audience deals with my content.


How to create a QR code, GOQR QR -Codegenerator is a simple QR code congregation that works best with short URLs, but it can be used to save text, geolocation and event data. Simply click on the symbol that corresponds to your data and fill out the fields.

Why I like it

I like this tool because I can see a live preview of my QR code in real time, which helps me to make my marketing materials quickly. If I am ready to pay a little more, I can even have a designer to add my logo for a tailor-made, branded look.

3. Free QR code generator from Shopify

How to create a QR code, Shopify QR -Codegenerator

QR codes work best if you can offer something to the people you scan. And you probably sell to people who buy online products online every day.

Why I like it

I love that Shopify can create a QR code with a single click, and I don’t even have to have a Shopify shop to use this free tool. I can also see the QR code preview that it is generated, which is confident to me that everything looks exactly the same before I finish it.

4. Visualad

How to create a QR code, Visualad QR -Codegenerator

Are you looking for a unique QR code that fits your brand with a “T”? Visualad is the tool we recommend for the job.

Why I like it

I have found that visual QR codes tend to attract more attention and arouse more curiosity than the usual black and white codes. For this reason, I could get more scans and better commitment from my audience.


How to create a QR code, the QR Codegenerator has a simple user interface with which you can create a clear QR code in minutes. Simply add your URL or information you want to share and your QR code is displayed immediately.

Why I like it

There is a Google Chrome extension that I can download if I create several QR codes at the same time. This can rationalize the process and help me to work more efficiently.

6. QR stuff

How to create a QR code, QR tool QR -Codegenerator

As one of the more robust QR code congregations, QR things can create codes for almost all kinds of data you want to share with the world. YouTube videos, invitations to discuss zoom and even Bitcoin are supported by this tool.

Why I like it

In just three steps I have a free, customizable QR code that looks good and works exactly as I need it. In addition, there is no limit to how many codes I can create.


How to create a QR code, QR -Codegenerator

I used this QR code converter in our instructions above and for a good reason. is a simple tool that is user-friendly even for the least technically experienced by us. Just let your link fall into the box and let the generator do the whole work.

Why I like it

I find really intuitive. It automatically recognizes the type of URL that I provide and generates a fully functional QR code in a few seconds.

8. QR code Monkey

How to create a QR code, QR code Monkey

If your QR code is important to you, but you do not want to pay for a custom design, try QR Code Monkey. As soon as you add your URL, you can change the color, add a logo and adjust the pixels in your code for free.

Why I like it

With QR Code Monkey I have the feeling that my design options are endless. Everything that is needed is a bit of creativity and a little patience, and I can create a brand -QR code that really stands out.

9. QR code congregation Hub

How to create a QR code, QR -Codegenerator Hub

QR Code Generator Hub is a widespread dynamic QR code platform that offers many free functions and a full range of tools for all your QR code marketing requirements.

Why I like it

QR code congregation Hub is one of the few dynamic QR code tools that I have found that are both free and unlimited. I can create as many codes as I want, with so many scans and changes as I need without paying a cent. And if I decide, I would like to take more advanced functions such as tracking and analytics, the paid option is a flat rate – no matter how much I use it.

QR code Best Practices

1. Register for an account on a QR code.

A significant danger in creating a QR code is that it cannot edit the data it contains as soon as you print it. However, if you register for an account, you can edit this data. This is particularly important if you expect to use many QR codes in your marketing strategy.

With a free membership of QR code generators such as you can print out a dynamic QR code, scan it and pull up a editable form in which you can change the data that your visitors are scanning of the QR code Get yourself. You can also follow performance analytics that we cover below and create a new individual version of your code.

2. Adjust your QR code.

How to create a QR code, adjust your QR code

QR codes can be boring to look at them, but not if they adapt them as far as possible. If you register for an account on a QR code -related website, you can further adjust your QR code -adjust the colors, add a logo, create social options and much more.

However, note that some adjustments can make it more difficult for QR -Code -Scan apps and smartphone cameras to read the code properly. To cover your bases, it is a good idea to generate two versions of your QR code – a simple version and another with your preferred design.

Speaking of …

3. Test the QR code to ensure that it scans.

Don’t forget to check whether the QR code reads correctly and try to try more than one QR code reader. A good starting point is the free tool Google LensThat takes a picture and then tells you which link or element it “reads”.

Another great free tool is the app QR code readerWhich automatically brings them to what it “reads”. Most smartphones now contain an integrated QR code reader. You should therefore test to ensure that your code is also readable there.

4. Povering and analyzing performance.

Just like every marketing campaign, you should follow all security or campaigns with QR codes to determine whether you actually work. How much traffic comes from any certain code? Do people scan their code but do not solve their offer when they come to the target page? Or are you not even forced to scan your QR code at all?

If you know the answers to these questions, you can do the QR codes that work well, the poorly powerful QR codes that work well.

I recommend that you add a UTM tracking code to your URL so that you can better measure the performance. This is particularly important if you use marketing analyzes with a closed circuit or if you do more detailed reporting on your campaigns.

Create your QR code today

During the compilation of this article, I was able to create a QR code for my author website -and I came across some other really great QR code congregations that I can’t expect to try it out.

Now it’s your turn! You spent a lot of time scanning QR codes. Why not make your own? Simply follow the steps that I have outlined here and select one of the free QR code generators that I have recommended. This is a simple and effective way to bring your company, your project or event into the world.

Note from the publisher: This post was originally published in December 2011 and was updated for completeness.

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