You called our bluff
We told you when the doors closed, and then when they closed, you asked for more – more time to make the decision to stop losing sleep over MONEY
48 hour flash sale
Have you ever had the experience of not liking someone who simply loved you – as if they almost annoyed you? Then they walked away and you all said, “Hmmm. . . Where did they go? I kind of like her now.”
It’s like we only want what we can't have.
That’s why we reopened the doors to the credit card payoff course just for you, because after we closed the door the first time, many – so many – of you said, “Hey, um, can you still help me pay.” “Cancel my credit card debt?”
Because we love helping people pay off their credit card debt and – let’s be bold – we’re good at it, we’ve reopened the doors to new members for another 48 hours.
But only for 48 hours!
Now you have to make the decision to get rid of sleepless nights, arguments with your partner, jealousy of everyone’s Insta life, feeling like a fraud because your shoes are worth more than your bank account – all the things about money that They hate.
Click here to make all this disappear: I want to stop stressful about money.