Digital marketing and artificial intelligence (AI)

Digital marketing and artificial intelligence (AI)

The term artificial intelligence (AI) has gained considerable popularity in the past decade. However, there is still no widespread definition. As the name suggests, AI is the exhibition of intelligence through machines. We already use intelligent machines that understand the environment, make critical decisions and solve complex problems. We are aware that the technology has completely dominated the contemporary marketing world. Simply put, the idea of ​​developing artificial intelligence for marketing processes is similar to creating AI for self -driving cars.

The combination of analyzes, big data and AI can build up intelligent marketing machines that can create a really personalized user experience. It will make life excessively light for marketers. There are some conventional marketing tools that optimize some of the manual marketing processes with certain restrictions. For example, automation tools can create and send e -mails, but these e -mails cannot create fully personalized experience for readers.

For digital marketers, it would be increasingly difficult for the statistics to achieve sustainable growth and commitment by using outdated automation tools. Leader need intelligent machines that are able to solve problems such as the lack of personalization in marketing campaigns. Artificial intelligence can certainly help marketers to alleviate technological defects and to improve the quality of their marketing efforts. In fact, AI has already started playing its role in the redesign of digital marketing.

The ability of computers to learn

Can machines learn? Is it possible computers to process a human language to a level on which it makes sense? The natural language processing (NLP) deals with computer linguistics and artificial intelligence and creates opportunities to program computers that are able to process human languages, emotions, feelings and feelings. A simple demonstration of machine learning and NLP is the smartphone keyboard with the possibility of learning from the typing behavior of a user and typing it quickly by resolving and predicting.

AI and optimization

AI-based tools as an alternative to conventional AB test tools are a good example of machine learning. In order to improve the effectiveness of the conversion rate optimization, AI enables the marketers to test a variety of elements and variations at the same time, which makes it easy for the marketers to optimize their web experiences efficiently in time.


Segmentation plays an important role in creating successful online marketing strategies. The categorization of an audience based on age and gender is not sufficient. Marketers have to go a little further and make segments based on the preferences, interests, location, devices and commitment. AI can help marketing experts to address individuals or a group of people with more specific inclinations and needs.

Understand data

The correct interpretation of data received from metrics plays an important role in the meeting of well -founded decisions. However, most marketers have no time to absorb and process complicated and boring data records. Thanks to the automated semantics, AI can not only process complicated information, but also offer valuable business knowledge for users.

From customer experience to social media campaigns, AI will influence digital marketing to a greater extent. The coming years will continue to define the term artificial intelligence and its role in online marketing.

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