Digital Marketing

How to Create a Successful Social Media Content Plan (Template)

How to Create a Successful Social Media Content Plan (Template)

Social media offers a volatile space for marketing. Engagement rules vary by platform, as do audiences and opportunities for brands. The platforms’ popularity ebbs and flows as new challengers emerge hoping to shake up the scene and steal the spotlight. Once seemingly stable and reliable, shared media channels are shifting their business priorities and becoming

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Online marketing campaigns to drive engagement and conversions

Online marketing campaigns to drive engagement and conversions

Online marketing campaigns are the lifeblood of any successful business venture. Every touchpoint can make a brand a star or banish it to the depths of the internet; The stakes couldn’t be higher. As companies compete for consumer attention in the crowded digital marketplace, the need for campaigns that not only engage audiences but also

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This is how you take the crucial second step of your content strategy

This is how you take the crucial second step of your content strategy

I recently had two interesting conversations with marketing leaders. Both were about the same question: “Where do we start?” One told me that she had planned a completely new content operation for her marketing department. She had gotten the green light from leadership, but everyone was so busy with other work that they weren’t sure

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Email Marketing – Generational Difference: Should Brands Avoid Slang in Email Marketing?

Email Marketing – Generational Difference: Should Brands Avoid Slang in Email Marketing?

Baby Boomers and Gen accordingly current research from crier. The report was based on data from a survey of 800 people aged 18 to 54. About 60% of baby boomers and 50% of the generation About 76% of baby boomers and 65% of the generation About 48% of baby boomers and 46% of the generation

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How better source interviews lead to more engaging content

How better source interviews lead to more engaging content

Ask a question; received an answer. Ask the next question; Get the next answer. Repeat until done. This is the basic formula of every job interview. But having a successful interview requires more than just asking questions and having the interviewer answer them. A good interview involves a thoughtful approach that makes the interviewer comfortable

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