If a surveyor asked me my boss: “Can we say that in a newsletter?” You know it will be a good day.
Today we have spicy and spicy language from a marketing master who sold his assets sharp shorts.
Lesson 1: Do not be integrated by the Performance Marketing medication.
Preston Rutherford openly admits that he made every mistake in the book when he did the shorts company chubbies.
So I start our chat by crossing a line from Sheryl Crow: “What is your favorite mistake?”
“Favorite Mista-a-area.” He then sings and laughs. “Favorite. Obviously euphemism for a mistake with intestinal snails and sleeping counts. But only to honor Sheryl …”
He thinks for a moment: “Start the medication that is at short notice performance marketing-and in particular the return of advertising expenses (or roas)where all of our marketing investments were effectively assessed on this basis. “
My eyebrow rises. Most marketing managers want to see a measurable, proven return, right? How else do you know what works?
Rutherford says that Exactly The feeling is why he (and so many marketers) exceeded in the direction of performance marketing. This drive to make all your marketing efforts systematically, measurable and scalable.
“We are used to a certain feedback loop on the data page, right? If I go out dollar, I only have to add success to who clicked on my ad and bought it in 24 hours.“”
However, this feedback loops drives marketing efforts that achieve short-term results-at the costs of the long-term brand structure. Not to mention all the funny and unusual things that made chubbies recognizable at all.
And what is even worse, hypertargeting of performance marketing means: “You spend dollars to claim a purchase that would have already happened.”
But what do you concentrate on if you don’t concentrate on the return?
“Brand is the most important capital that builds every kind of company“, He says. “And ultimately the least is measurable with current tools.”
Rutherford’s hot setting? Only 40% of their marketing dollars should be spent on short -term advertising expenses, the rest becoming brand construction.
“You would much rather let someone come to you directly – not be called up by a kind of promotion or wrong urgency – but only a company I believe in.”
Lesson 2: If the content is king, the difference is queen.
“Which marketing trend has to die in a fire?” I ask him.
“Generative AI”, he bursts without a moment in a break.
All of you. I barked. (Then I wondered if someone in my reporting hierarchy reads the newsletter and nervous my collar like Rodney Dangerfield.)
“Creativity is queen. Things that are different are queen, ”he explains. “Generative AI is trained in models of what has already been done in the past and what” works “.”
He puts the last word in air centers. According to Rutherford, this creates two problems: “Just look backwards and in my opinion the wrong definition of what works. It is based on increasing short -term income. “
Rutherford quickly qualifies that this does not mean that there is no space for AI in marketing. For many marketers, however, it will cause it to call the “sea of equality”.
From this “sea of equality” it can be breaked out how Chubbies was born in the first place. When Rutherford and his friends carried the handmade shorts on vacation, the unusual cuts and colors had completely strangers, which approached them to comment. Not everyone loved her, but everyone noticed her.
This success would never have been recognized if they had based their decisions on what has already worked.
Lesson 3: Think of marketing like friendships.
You are likely to think that this lesson will be sensitive. No. This is a much more Cuss-loaded concept.
Rutherford says that every idea, every tactic, every campaign or concept he has absolutely must Go through this filter:
“Would I send this e -mail to a buddy or would you talk to me shit?“”
For the third time in 15 minutes I doubled in laughing, but Rutherford has an excellent point.
“If you believe that every content of a person you love will be seen, tend to see things differently. It helps to just check a box that we do so often when we burn 1,000 other fires. ”
Stay and think of your favorite brands. They are probably the ones who speak to them like a person.
This does not necessarily mean that you have to be funny, disrespectful or rude. But I guarantee that you have not thought of someone who will blow you up with a company doctor.
Because at the end of the day, brand structure is actually a relationship structure. This relationship looks different if it sells hot sauce, tax software or maternity pillows – but everyone requires authenticity … and respect.
“Do I treat the people who see my ads in such a way that I am a corporate marketing for faceless customers? Or am I a person who is marketing for other people?“”
As evidence, he points out that this is exactly the reason why influencer marketing is currently so effective. It is a real person who speaks to you as another real person. And our latest survey data publish the same story as Marketing Managers in the creation content, brand structure and the development of authenticity.
Rutherford then drops a swearing little negligence: “People can see through our bullshit. People are not idiots. “