How to create an eBook from start to finish (free E -book templates)

How to create an eBook from start to finish (free E -book templates)

Learning to create an e -book can be overwhelming. You not only have to write the content, but also design and format into a professionally looking document that people want to download and read.

To help you make it easier to get started, I have collected some of my favorite lessons – both from my experience and from the experts.

Don’t worry, it’s not as intimidating as it sounds. I will also share some helpful tools and templates with which you can create, publish and sell your E -Book.

Table of contents

E -Book advantages

Statista reports that the global e -book market is predicted to bring in Sales of 14.92 billion US dollars by 2025. In accordance with this prediction, the market will increase with a predicted volume of 1.62% per year $ 15.33 billion by 2027.

So if you wonder if there is a great time to try an E -Book for your business, I am here to convince you.

Bleimagnets are available in many forms, but the eBook is still ruling outstandingly. You give the reader:

  • Incoming digital content in an environment largely exceeded with fast headings and sound bites.
  • Visual data that complement the editorial content.
  • On-demand access to the e-book content.

Write e -Books Advantages to your company too. To make a profit, win new customers, generate sums and become an industry leader are just a few advantages of this type of content.

However, let’s assume that you have a fantastic blog full of long content. Why all over the world do you want to offer your readers an e -book? Is it worth your time at all?

Advantages of eBooks

  • EBooks are portable. They can be saved on many devices without associated physical storage space.
  • The reader has the choice of printing out the eBook. If you want to consume the information in a traditional physical format. Otherwise, the digital format is environmentally friendly.
  • EBooks are more accessible. They give readers the opportunity to increase font sizes and/or to read loudly with text-to-language.
  • EBooks are easy to search. If the reader searches for something specific, it is a search bar removed to search for it.

In addition, E -books are an essential part of a successful inbound marketing program.

Pop champagne: It is a great opportunity to be able to produce your own eBook until the past few years. In the past they needed a graphic designer to create their own eBook (or to be satisfied with one Microsoft Word rotation PDF eBook, *shiver *).

Now you can create an eBook online with templates made by professional designers, and the tools are completely free. The following screenshot is the E -Book template 9 from our free E -book template package and would have cost hundreds of dollars years ago.

What is an ebookhttps: //

In this article, I will guide you by the advantages and disadvantages of creating an e -book and share my process to create your own E -Book. And if you worry about a lack of design skills, I also covered them there.

E -Books can increase the visibility and credibility of your company and at the same time position your brand as a pioneer in your industry. However, these eBooks can sometimes be difficult to write, even though they offer many advantages.

Here are some proven tips that I can recommend to write excellent eBooks.

1. Choose a topic that meets your audience’s needs.

Remember: the goal of your E -Book is Generate leads for your sales teamSo choose a topic that makes it easier for a view to have your E -Book to talk to your sales team.

This means that your E -Book should match the topics that you treat in your other content distribution channels.

Rather, it is their opportunity to make a deep immersion in a topic that you have only easily covered, but something about which your audience wants to learn more about.

For example, if I should listen to sales and customer calls here at Drift Kings Media, I have learned that creating E -books is a massive obstacle to our audience that is marketer.

So if I can not only provide this blog post, but also resources to facilitate the E -Book creation, I concentrate on the right topic, which of course leads to a sales talk.

Checklist for writing an e -book

Here are some example -e book title that you have to consider to make your creative juices flow.

  • X Best Practices for (Insert Industry/Topic)
  • An introduction to (Insert industry/topic)
  • X Frequent questions about industries/topic) answered
  • X (Inserting industry/topic) Statistics for better decision -making
  • Learn from the best: x (insert industry/topic) Experts share knowledge

note: Replace “X” with the corresponding number. You can also use our free Blog Topic Generator Tool Develop more ideas. Most blog topics can be comprehensive enough to serve as longer e-book topics.

In the following I have added one of these headlines of the E -Book template 1 from ours Free template package:

How to create an eBook with the free Templatehtps: //

Pro tip: From personal experience, I can tell you that instead of watching a generic approach, you should dive deeper and concentrate on a specific group of public to learn more about your motivations, preferences and problems.

Remember, everyone cannot be their audience because it is difficult to cover all pain points in a single book.

For this blog post I will use the PowerPoint version of Template Two from our use Collection of five free E -book templates. In each section of this article, I will make one page on the side of the foil and adaptation to the adaptation.

In the following you will see my adapted e-book cover with my sales-relevant eBook topic. To get help when writing convincing titles for your eBooks, read the tips in this blog post.

Customized E -Book cover with a free hubspot template

2. Carry out research.

Although you probably already have some knowledge of your topic, you still have to find out what exactly your audience wants to know and how you can take off your e -book from others on the market.

When I do research for my E -Book, I’ll approach it like this:

  • Read existing publications on your topic and identify gaps in knowledge and areas that require further exploration. During your research, take the time to answer these unanswered questions in order to make your eBook more comprehensive and valuable.
  • Keyword searches carry out to find keywords and phrases that relate to the topic that you write about. In this way you can uncover trends on your topic and better reach users who want to learn more about the topic.
  • Collect original data and insights to distinguish your E -Book from other sources and to position yourself as an authority for your topic. If you are able to contact industry experts and carry out interviews to collect unique information. You can also send surveys to your audience to receive statistics to support your content.

As soon as you have collected all your information, make sure that you make sure that everything is precise and up to date. Also make sure that you organize your findings so that you can easily return and refer you while writing your E -Book.

Pro tip: I would also suggest that you are watching your blog posts on the subject. This provides invaluable information, e.g. B. shows you which questions your target group asks.

It can be a control point to determine whether you go in the right direction. If it is something else, either rethink your E -Book’s focus or check how you can insert it.

1. You outline every chapter of your e -book.

The introduction to your eBook should set the stage for the content of the book and attract the reader.

What will you cover in your eBook? How will the reader benefit from reading? You can find tips on writing an effective introduction in this article.

Some E -Book manufacturers say that an E -Book is simply a series of blog posts that are sewn together. I am closed that you should treat each chapter as a single blog post, but the chapters of your E -Book should also flow fluently from one to the other.

The best way to sketch your e-book is to consider it a crash course on the topic you have selected. In my example of creating an e -books, I know that I am with:

  • Write an effective copy.
  • Design an eBook.
  • Optimize eBooks for lead generation and funding.

While my example has a few chapters, remember that your e -book does not have to be lengthy.

Here is a golden rule for the E -book length: Write what is needed to effectively clarify your audience on your selected topic.

If you need five pages, great! If it takes 30 pages, then it is. Just don’t waste words if you think you have to write a lengthy E -Book.

Now we go to the actual copy you write.

Create an E -BOOK contents from the template from the template

Pro tip: In my experience, I also found that the reader’s journey better understood to better understand the outline. So ask yourself where the reader includes himself and where you should end at some point.

4. Break off every chapter when writing.

You write! Here you can approach each chapter as you could write a long blog post – by dividing each chapter into smaller sections or spherical points, as shown in the picture below.

This helps you to write easily and clearly instead of using a sophisticated language to convey every point. This is the most effective way to clarify readers and help them understand the new material that they provide.

Make sure you keep a consistent structure in every chapter.

This helps you to define natural transitions between every chapter, so that there is a clear progress from one chapter to the next (you can simply rob blog posts together).

These practices should apply to all of their other marketing efforts such as email marketing, call-to-action creation and target pages. “Clarity trumps conviction” as Dr. Flint McGlaughlin from Meclabs often says.

Would you like to make sure you keep your eBook exciting for readers? Here are some important tips that I felt most helpful:

  • Use keywords in the title that emphasize the value of your offer. Examples are adjectives such as “Amazing”, “Awesome” or “Ultimate”.
  • Keep your format consistently so that you create a mental model for readers and improve your understanding of the material.
  • If necessary, use the formatting -such as bullleted lists, courageous text, italics and changes to the font size -to draw people’s eyes into their most important content or to emphasize certain points that readers should remember.

Creating an e -book from start to finish with a design template

Pro tip: I have also found that the saying “less is more” is practical when they are in the deep writing ditches. You do not want your readers to feel or overload under or overloaded, so I think that a solid balance of content is interested.

You can also ask a second opinion as soon as you are finished whether the information is too much for digestion.

5. Design your eBook.

Our downloadable E -book templates are offered both in PowerPoint and in InDesign.

In this example, I will show you how to do it in PowerPoint because more people have access to this software. (If you need a refreshment, you will find a beginner-friendly guide to using PowerPoint.)

We only have one “chapter page” in the template (film three). To really create additional chapters or pages, simply click on the film with the right mouse button and select a double foil.

This creates a copy of your film and enables you to pull it to the proper place in your E -BOOK via the sidebar or sorting section of PowerPoint. You can then adapt it for all subsequent chapters.

Creating an e -book from start to finish and working on the design of chapters

Pro tip: I recommend setting up some brand guidelines and holding on to you when designing your E -Book. If you publish more in the future, your target group will finally understand who you are and what your company is about.

This ensures that everything they do is consistent and that they are considered professionally.

6. Use the right colors.

Ideally our Free E -Book templates Would magically fit their branded colors. But they probably do it; Here you can really personalize your work.

However, since eBooks offer more real estate for color than your logo or your website, it is good to consider secondary colors in the color palette of your brand. This color scheme can really shine in eBooks.

To find out how to add the colors of your PowerPoint brand, read this blog post. In this way you can adapt the color scheme to your brand in our E -Book templates!

Pro tip: I also found that I used colors to emphasize a certain word or a certain key point. Red can emphasize something while yellow can emphasize something.

Remember that every color has a purpose when designing content goods and can influence how information is displayed.

Colors are difficult! If you don’t have the same eye as a professional designer (and who does this), use our E -Book templates. They are prepared with a custom color palette:

Hubpot-e-book-template color schemes

7. Integrate pictures.

Pictures and graphics in eBooks are difficult. The key to fit them is to consider it complementary for your letter.

Regardless of whether you have written you during or after you have written the copy of your e-book, your graphics should serve to emphasize an important point that you create or deconstruct the meaning of a concept in an easily understandable, visual way.

Pictures shouldn’t just be there to make the E -Book easier in the eyes. Rather, they should be used to improve the reader’s understanding of the material that they cover.

If you need help to collect visuals, we have three sentences free stock photos that could help you on the way:

And if you put together a data loading eBook, you may want to download our Free data visualization E -Book Tips for designing convincing diagrams and graphics for your content.

Creating an e -book and adding visual elements and pictures

Pro tip: I would argue that one of the most important aspects when writing your E -Book is to think about the data/insights or quotations you could present in visual form.

Think about whether you use pictures or links to videos and offer you a comprehensive experience. When writing, write where you think that pictures or visuals could be used.

8. Highlight quotes or statistics.

Another way to improve your E -Book is to highlight quotes or statistics in your design. Just make sure that the offer or the status you use gives the content added value.

Regardless of whether you emphasize a quote or add a visual add, keep all your content in the same edges.

If your copy is consistently set up on your side from both the left and right sides, keep your designed elements aligned with the same distance.

Creating an e -book and adding quotes and statistics to content

Pro tip: I am a big fan of large graphics or quotes, but occasionally a good dose of white space is just as important. So it is great to include a lot of text, pictures, quotes and statistics, but you also want to keep everything in balance.

9. Set suitable calls in your eBook.

After your content is written and designed, it is time to optimize you for the lead generation, conversion and funding.

Think about how you came here in an email, in a social media post or elsewhere clicked on a call-to-action (CTA).

A CTA is a link or a visual object that attracts the visitor to a target page and arrives that she continues to deal with your company.

Since your E -Book readers have probably converted into leads to get your E -Book in your hands, use the CTAs in your E -Book to reuse your readers and continue to drive your marketing funnel down.

For example, a CTA can lead to another offer, the registration page of your annual conference or even a product page.

Depending on what this next action is, CTAs can be an inline-right or a whole side that takes the next offer (see both pictures below).

In order to go to Hyperlink in your target in your eBook in your eBook (or an image or text in your eBook), simply go into PowerPoint.

Creating an e -book and adding CTAs to the content

Note: We even developed 50 customizable calls in PowerPoint, which you can download and use in your e-books. You can grab them here.

Now we don’t have a dedicated CTA template in the PowerPoint -E -Book templates … but it’s still easy.

You only have to duplicate the header/subheader film and copy or add the copy as required. From there you can also insert a new film and work.

Pro tip: I have found that it is ideal to put CTA links between the chapters of your E -Book -or even better at the end of one or directly after the conclusion. But make sure you are subtle with your CTAs because you do not want to put your readers off.

10. Convert it to a PDF.

As soon as you have written your eBook CTAs and everything – it is time to convert it into the right file type so that it can be transferred to your recipient.

To convert your E -Book to a PDF, click File >> Save as in the open E -Book template. Then select PDF in file format and select a destination on your computer for this new file.

Or, if you use our free Google Drive templates, you can download for file >> PDF:

So export your eBook as a PDF in Google Docs

Why can’t you just attach what you have on a target page and cope with it? Word documents, power points and similar templates are perfect for creating your E -Book, but not for provision.

Since these templates can be processed, the content of your E -Book is too easy to corrupt, distorted or even lost if you switch from your computer into the hands of your future leads. PDFs come into play here.

You have already seen these letters at the end of the files. In short, the .PDF file type freezes your E -Book for the portable document format so that it can be clearly displayed on any device. A popular alternative to PDFS is the .epub file type.

See A Comparison of EPUB with PDF here.

Pro tip: One reason why I think it is important to move them to PDFs is that you can also share them as links. This makes it much easier to spread your e -book, and your readers don’t have to download it if they don’t.

11. Create a dedicated target page for your eBook.

Your E -Book should be available for download on your website on your website.

A Target page is a website that promotes/describes your offer and offers a form that visitors have to fill out with your contact information in order to access your e -book.

In this way, you can convert your visitors into business management with which your sales team can ultimately track.

For example, they went through This target page So you access this E -book template.

If you are still not sure how to get started Download this free E -book to learn more about optimizing your target pages for conversion.

Creating an e -book and a dedicated target page

And if you are looking for a faster, easier way to create your E -Book target page Campaign assistant tool. Instead of writing and editing for hours, the campaign assistant can generate your copy with just a few clicks.

Create the target page for eBook

Pro tip: I recommend that you do not forget SEO when creating your target page. It can do your conversion rate or break. Optimize META tags and add relevant keywords, especially for your E -Book.

12. Apply your eBook and follow its success.

As soon as your target page is set, you can use this goal -URL to advertise your E -Book for your marketing channels.

However in 2024, Almost 80% of the writers Marketing was the most difficult aspect of the E -Book process. From this year, the authors have devoted more than one and thirty-one hours and $ 617 for marketing per month for advertising for their e-books.

So I shared five options for how to do this:

  • Apply your new eBook on your website. For example, perform a CTA or a link to the target page of your offer on your resource page or even on your homepage.
  • Apply your eBook on your blog. For example, consider publishing an extract of your E -Book as a blog post. Or write a separate blog article on the same topic as your e-book and at the end of your contribution link with a call to the action to encourage readers to learn. (Note: This blog post is the perfect example of how you can apply for an offer that you have created with a blog post.)
  • Send a segmented e -mail to contacts who have given an interest in offers from your company.
  • Use paid advertising and co-marketing partnerships This will help you apply your E -Book for a new audience.
  • Publish articles on social media with a link to your eBook. You can also increase social stocks by creating social media share buttons in your eBook, e.g. B. the bottom right of this E -book.

Apart from them, you can also use other marketing strategies to advertise your eBook. In fact, I could dedicate an entire blog to how to market your eBook (check this post here).

After your content has been introduced and advertised in your marketing channels, you also want marketing analyzes to measure the success of your live product.

For example, you should have analytical target page that give you an insight into how many people downloaded your eBook and converted into leads.

You should also have analyzes with closed loop that show how many of these people were ultimately converted into options and customers for your company.

And with that we built an eBook, people! You can see the packaged version of the example that I have created here:

How to do an eBook

After your content has been started and advertised in your marketing channels, you must have marketing analyzes to measure the success of your E -Books.

For example, have the target page Analytics that give you an insight into how many people have downloaded your eBook or show how many of these downloaders have been converted into options and customers for your company.

Drift Kings Media Free Data Visualization Manual

Data visualization 101: How to design diagrams and graphics (free download)

Pro tip: I suggest that you are not waiting for you to finish your E -Book to apply. To commit your readers, remember to publish teaser on Instagram stories or to send a survey to your book cover.

You can even annoy your audience by offering you some insights from your E -Book. Everyone loves to look behind the scenes.

How to publish an eBook

Publishing an E -Book can be a great way to share your message or content with a wider audience. Here you will find a step-by-step instructions for publishing an e-book.

1. Convert it into the E -Book format.

Converting your E -Book into the corresponding format is required to ensure compatibility with your readers and your devices. You can include reaction -fast design elements and keep the layout of your book.

It offers a consistent reading experience on various devices and ultimately increases the range and accessibility of your E -Book.

Which E -Book file format should you use?

EBooks can be saved in one of several formats. Depending on your end user, however, you may find use for one of the following file types:


PDFs are probably the best known file type. The “PDF” expansion stands for the “portable document format” and is best suited for eBooks that are to be read on a computer (digital marketers that you want to remember).

Pro tip: You can easily convert a PDF into one of the following E -Book file formats that free of charge with Convertio:

How to convert a PDF to an eBook format


This file type stands for “Electronic Publication” and is a more flexible E -book format. By that I mean that EPUB books can “reflect on your text” in order to adapt to different mobile devices and tablets.

This allows the E -Book text based on the size of the device on which a user reads the eBook on and from different sides.

You are particularly helpful for the view Smaller screensLike smartphones and the corner of Barnes and Noble.


The Mobi format comes from the Mobipocket Reader software, which was bought by Amazon in 2005, but was later closed in 2016.

However, the MOBI file extension remains a popular e-book format that is compatible with the most important e-reader (with the exception of the NOOK).

While the format has some restrictions, e.g. B. not support of audio or videos, it supports DRM, which protects the copyrighted material from distribution or is viewed illegally.

Newer Kindle formats are based on the original MOBI file types.


This is an e -book file type for the IgniteAn E-Reader device from Amazon. However, users can also open this file format via the Kindle app on smartphones, tablets and computers.


ODF stands for opendocument format, a file type that is mainly intended for OpenOffice, a series of open source content-orientation programs similar to Microsoft Office.


IBA is the proprietary eBook format for the Apple iBooks Author app. This format supports video, sound, pictures and interactive elements, but is only used for books that have been written in iBooks. It is not compatible with other e-readers.

2. Select a publishing platform.

When choosing a platform, consider factors such as range, license fees, distribution channels, user -friendliness and the preferences of your target group.

It can also be worth exploring regionally or specialize eBook platforms Depending on the niche or the target market of your E -Book.

Here are some popular options:

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

KDP is one of the most popular self-publishing platforms.

You can publish and sell your eBook in the Kindle business, which is accessible from millions of Kindle e-readers and Kindle apps.

KDP offers various advertising tools and offers global sales options.

Apple books

Apple books (formerly iBooks) is the E -Book platform for Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads and MacOS devices. It offers a seamless reading experience and enables you to publish and sell your E -Book in the Apple Books Store.

Barnes & Noble Press

Barnes & Noble Press (Formerly nook press) is the self -publisher for Barnes & Noble, one of the largest booksellers in the USA. You can publish and sell your E -Book on the Barnes & Noble website and Nook devices.

Cobo write live

Cobo write live is an e-book self-publishing platform connected to Kobo-E readers and apps. It offers global sales and the possibility of determining pricing, creating advertising campaigns and earning license fees from sales.


Draft2digital is a user-friendly e-book sales platform with which you can publish your e-book and distribute to several retailers such as Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and more.

It simplifies the process by processing the conversion, distribution and payment aspects for you.

3. Create an account and upload your eBook.

Register for an account on your selected platform. If necessary, enter the required information such as your names, your address and payment details, as stated in the following example.

How to create and upload your eBook into Kindlimerage source

As soon as your account has been created, follow the instructions of the platform to upload your E -Book file and cover the design. Make sure that the files meet the formatting and size requirements of the platform.

You also have to fill out the book details, including titles, author names, description and categories or genres. These details help readers to discover and understand their e -book.

4. Set prices and license fees.

Determine the pricing for your eBook. This determines how much income you can generate from any sale. If you set the right price, you can make sure that your E -Book on the market is competitive and at the same time maximizes your income.

Once you have your price, you want you to want it Determine your license feesThis is the percentage of the price of the E book, which you earn as an author or publisher for every sale.

Earning money from an E -book sales is always exciting. It is even more exciting if you use free resources (like our E -Book template 12).

Hubpot-e-book template 12https: //

Various E -Book publishing platforms offer different license fees, and it is important to understand the prices and terms you provide. By determining license fees, you can calculate and predict your income from any sale.

You may also want to consider offering your E -Book for free.

Although this would not help to achieve direct income for your company, this can also improve the exposure and attract a greater readership, which leads to word of mouth and potentially increasing future sales.

It also offers the opportunity to generate leads and create an e -mail list for future commitment.

5. Preview and publication.

Before publication, start your E -Book to ensure that it looks as intended, and ensure that there are no errors or format problems. As soon as you are satisfied, click the Publication button to provide your E -Book for purchase.

Note that the above -mentioned steps are general guidelines and the specific upload process depending on the platform with which you can publish your E -Book.

How to publish and sell your eBook in Google Playmage Quelle

E -Book ideas

What should you write about in your eBook? I will answer this question with another question: What should your readers come out of this E -Book?

To identify an E -Book idea that fits your audience, take into account the type of E book that you want to create. Here are a few ideas.

New research

Implementation of an experiment or a business survey? This is a great way to develop proprietary knowledge and become a thought leader in your industry. But how will you share your findings with the people who take care of it?

Create an eBook that describes the experiment what you wanted to find out, the results of the experiment and what these results mean for your readers and the market as a whole.

Our e-book template 7 is perfect for displaying research and data-haired information in a digestible format:

Hubpot-e-book template 7https: //

Case study

People love success stories, especially when these people are on the fence to buy something from them. If you have a customer whose business you have particularly proud, why not tell your story in an e -book?

E -Book case studies show their buyers to whom other people trust them and benefit from their product or service.

Describe what your customer’s challenge was, how you connected to him and how you could help your customer to solve his challenge and become successful.

Our E -Book template 11 is colorful, modern and ready to blind the readers with their case studies.

Hubpot-e-book template 11https: //

Product demo

The more complex your product is, the more information your customers have to use it correctly.

If your product or service contains many applications or it is difficult to set up alone, dedicate a short E -Book to show people how to make the best of it.

For example, in the first section of your E -Book you can explain how to launch your product or service. The second section can break down the individual functions and purposes for which your product is best used.

Our e-book template 2 balanced photos and text perfectly and makes it a great selection for a gradual product demo.

1Drift Kings Media eBook template 2


Are you interested in interviewing a well -known person on your market?

Perhaps you have already sat down with an influencer to choose your brain about the future of the industry. Pack this interview in an E -Book to easily read your customers and share your inside scoop.

Our e-book template 10 is ideal for interviews with your moving out, which perfectly balanced with pictures:

Hubpot-e-book template 10Https: //

Game book

A “PlayBook” is a document that people can use if they take on a new project or a new concept that is foreign to them. Imagine it like a cheat sheet full of tips and tricks that help your customers get better what you do.

If a game book is done correctly, it gives your customers the information you have to cause when using your product.

For example, a software provider for IT professionals can create a “Virus Protection Playbook” that better promptly prompted support teams to prevent viruses for their respective companies.

With its brave design, balance and clear structure, our E -Book template 4 is perfect for a game book:

Hubpot-e-book template 4HTTPS: //

Blog post series

Sometimes the best eBook is already scattered for your company A number of blog posts. If you have spent the last month of writing articles on the same topic for your company, imagine how these contributions would look together.

As soon as this eBook has been created, you can apply on a target page, link from every blog post to this target page and generate leads of readers who want to download the entire blog series from a convenient E -book.

Pro tip: Make every blog a new “chapter” of your E -Book. Get an idea of ​​how this could look with ours E -Book templates Below (this is E -Book template 8):

Hubpot-e-book template 8

EBook FAQs

Are eBooks profitable?

Yes, that can be. E -Books will sell online for good money, including those made in Google documents with free tools.

E-books are highly volume, low sales offers.

This means that you have to sell many of you at a relatively low price to compete on the market and to make a significant profit. Depending on your industry, E -Books can range from free to more than 100 US dollars.

Before Set a price for your eBookResearch something. Find who your audience is, what you are willing to pay and how many people are ready to buy it in your target market.

Then determine the platforms through which you sell your eBook. Amazon? Apple books? Your website? You can investigate how much E -books usually arise on these websites and include them insight into their price strategy.

Pro tip: People Do Assess a book according to his cover. Do not make your E -Book a subsequent thought – spend time with the design. For inspiration you will find the cover from our E -Book templates 7, 9 and 11 (try them out for free!):

E-book cover templates from Drift Kings Media

How is an eBook structured?

There is no defined rule to organize your content in an E -book. It generally uses the structure of a novel or a textbook (depending on what you write about). However, you should certainly hold some aspects of an E -book.

E -Books usually have a system of chapters and supportive images. As with a blog post, you can also use a further segmentation of your text with subheader, which dismantle the discussion into certain sections.

For example, if you write about professional sports and affect the Major League (MLB) in one of your chapters in the USA (Baseball), you may want to set up sub -chapters via the various MLB teams.

Pro tip: Our Free E -Book templates Have a variety of different layouts. Click on “grid view” to see the structure of the individual templates at a glance, and you can take a look at all sides at the same time. The following template is the E -Book template 5. Try it out yourself!

Hubpot-e-book template 5

What is an eBook about?

Something. Well, in reason.

E -Books are simply the way they provide a lot of critical information in a form in which their potential customers are most ready to read.

For example, an environmental company could write an E -book about water protection. You could also focus exclusively on using your water-saving product or how it helped a customer to solve a problem.

Research is an essential part of the E -Book creation, regardless of the topic of your E -Book. In contrast to short-term content such as articles and videos, the content of an e-book is based on trust and prove.

A user who receives (or calls for access) on your eBook) wants the whole story, not just the list. This includes all content and tests that you have through to produce the eBook.

Can you edit an eBook?


An E -Book cannot be edited as soon as it has been saved in one of the most important file formats. Therefore, it is best that you have saved a processing version in a program like Microsoft Word.

You can edit eBooks if you are saved with a machining PDF, a function that is specific for Adobe Acrobat. If you have the software, learning to process PDFS with the user -friendly interface from Acrobat is easy.

But why should your eBook be incompatible? Making E -Books undeserved ensures that the content remains unchanged -both the format and the information -because it is shared between several users.

This means that as soon as you have completed your perfect design (as our E -Book template 6), nobody can accidentally destroy the formatting or remove text.

Drift Kings Media-e-book template 6

How do you read an eBook?

You can read an eBook on many different devices: iPhone, Android smartphones, a MacBook, PC and e-reader such as Nook and Kindle.

The latter two devices are usually used to read novels in digital form. Nook and Kindle owners can store thousands of books (literally) on a single corner or a Kindle.

Share your specialist knowledge in an eBook

E -Books are one of the best converting lead magnets that a company can offer its audience. The creation of an E -Book is about delivering a high value at a low price in order to generate a high sales volume.

E -Books are well suited for new companies looking for brand awareness and established companies that ensure a place as industry leader.

As long as you and your team look for your e-book start for your e-book start, you will be the rewards of this independent wealth value for monthly or even years.

So start with the free template available in the following offer.

Note from the publisher: This post was originally published in October 2013 and updated for completeness.

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