Move to Spain to find yourself and your happiness

Move to Spain to find yourself and your happiness

Leave the US and move to Spain

Justin McCarty lived in Denver and worked 60 to 70 hours a week at a job he had had for 12 years. He made a lot of money but was constantly connected to his phone and had very little free time. That all changed when he moved to Spain, where he found happiness and love.

I am definitely experiencing a level of happiness now that I never thought possible. -Justin McCartyClick to tweet

I moved to Spain with no regrets

At the end of our lives, we tend to regret the things we didn’t do, the opportunities we missed, and the risks we didn’t take. But in everyday life the familiar holds us back. We stop ourselves from chasing “crazy ideas” and chase the cultural norm of “success.” But what if success is less about wealth or fame and more about living the life you want? What if taking a leap could help you discover the real you? Don’t you owe it to yourself to give it a try? On a trip to Barcelona, ​​he felt an overwhelming sense of liberation and became curious about making his vacation a little more permanent. Today he lives and works in Spain, teaches English and experiences a level of joy he never thought possible. In this episode of Queer money™, Justin joins us to explain how he made the decision to move to Spain. He tells us what his life was like in Denver and how his priorities changed after experiencing Spanish culture. He shares the logistics of moving to a foreign country and his experiences as an expat living in Europe. Listen to Justin’s insights into adjusting to a new culture and how he achieves new levels of happiness and confidence in beautiful Barcelona!

Find out all about Justin’s move to Spain:

Topics covered about moving to Spain

Justin’s life before Barcelona

  • Work 60-70 hours per week, connected to phone
  • Earn a lot of money, but little free time

Justin’s decision to move to Spain

  • Shifting priorities with the trip to Barcelona
  • Realized content but not happy in Denver

Where Justin’s newfound happiness comes from

  • More balance, inner concentration
  • Free time to do things that are fun

Justin’s take on the gay American mentality

  • Elevated version of the American Dream (consumerism)
  • Strive to be better in order to be seen as an equal

The inspiration for Justin’s move to Spain

  • Moment of peace on the journey to Barcelona
  • Advertised for the school day after the 2016 election

The experience of living as an expat in Spain

  • Difficult process, must be 100% secure
  • “Best decision I ever made”

The response Justin received from friends and family

  • Mixed mood (some supportive, others against)
  • Grandmother is extremely encouraging

The logistics of moving to a foreign country

  • Meet student visa requirements
  • TEFL, teacher development course
  • I was lucky enough to be offered a job as a teacher

What Justin did with his things

  • “American Justin” real estate sale.
  • I only brought summer clothes

Justin’s advice for aspiring expats

  • Make a decision and do your research
  • Save money on preparation
  • Be open to new culture

Justin’s insight into adjusting to a new culture

  • Be polite in restaurants and stores
  • Make an effort to speak language

What’s next for Justin?

  • No intention of returning to the States
  • Continue to get to know the “real Justin.”

How Justin develops a new level of confidence

  • Use mental and emotional strength
  • No safety net or chance to be unsafe

Resources for moving to Spain

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