The Best Hosting for a One-Page Website in 2023

The Best Hosting for a One-Page Website in 2023

One-page solutions may be the perfect choice if you want to create simple, user-friendly websites. To create such websites, you need reliable hosting and web building tools to help you manage your content and search engine optimization.

With many options available, choosing the ideal tools can take time and effort. That’s why we are here to introduce the best web hosting and website builder platforms.

Before we move on to the list, it is important to note that free web hosting services may not be a good choice for your one-page website due to feature and management limitations.

Best Hosting Services for One Page Websites

Our guide highlights the most reliable hosting solutions and website builders, such as Bluehost, InMotion, Wix and GoDaddy. These tools improve your website building experience and create professional interfaces.


Bluehost offers some of the best hosting services and the best part is that you can design your website for free. This option, the recommends, is great if you want to create and host a one-page website because you don’t have to get involved in complex design processes.

Bluehost’s key features include an exceptional customer support experience as well as an all-in-one dashboard. With the help of Bluehost’s web builder, you’ll have your perfect website in no time.

Bluehost offers four different plans depending on your website needs.

Although Bluehost offers numerous plans, you can use the basic plan (a special price of $2.75/month for our visitors is applied at checkout) to meet all of your one-page website needs. It includes a free domain name.

Visit Bluehost for more information >>>

InMotion Hosting

InMotion offers free website building services, Boldgrid WordPress and advanced hosting services, perfect for your one-page website. You don’t have to be an expert to create your ideal, functional and fast website.

The key features of this hosting provider include one of the best uptime rates (99.99%) and complete server solutions. The downside may be that you cannot back up your data with the free plan.

InMotion offers four different plans depending on the complexity and needs of your website.

Inmotion Pricing Plans

The best plan for your one-page website may be WP Core (without free domain) for just $2.49 per month or Launch (with free domain) for $4.99 per month.

For more information, see InMotion >>>

Best website builders for one-page websites

Now that we’ve discussed which tools you should use for the best hosting experience, let’s look at how to create your one-page website.


Wix homepage

If you want to get visually appealing and optimized websites, you can use Wix for website creation. They offer AI-powered advertising that takes your one-page website to the next level.

Here you will find exceptional templates and website designs that you can use. Wix lets you create eCommerce websites, blogs, and more in minutes.

Wix pricing includes four different plans depending on your website design.

Wix Pricing Plans

The best pricing plan to build your website is the Connect Domain (with Wix branding) for $4.50 or the Combo plan (without Wix branding) for personal use for $8.50 monthly.

Visit Wix for more information >>>


Godaddy homepage

With various features to boost your website performance, GoDaddy is one of the best website builders. You can customize your page and optimize your features to attract your audience and increase visibility.

GoDaddy offers some unique templates and customization features to suit your brand.

Although you can create your one-page website for free, you don’t get access to useful features. Instead, you can opt for some of the developer’s four plans.

Godaddy Pricing Plans

The Basic plan ($9.99 per month) is great for one-page websites as it offers all the essential features you need to keep your website running smoothly.

Visit GoDaddy for more information >>>

How to create a one-page website with Bluehost

Since Bluehost is one of the best one-page website builders, you can follow the following guide to start building your website:

1. Go to Bluehost website

Go to the website. Then click the green “Start Now” button.

Bluehost homepage

2. Select the hosting plan

First, choose a hosting plan. For your first website, the Basic plan is recommended. As your website grows, you can easily upgrade to the Plus or Choice Plus plan.

Bluehost hosting plans

3. Choose your domain name

Enter your desired domain name and select the extension from the available list on the right.

Bluehost Blackfriday domain

Take your time and patience when searching for a domain name that you really like. Changing domain names in the future is technically possible, but we would not recommend this. It’s important to choose a domain name now, as it will likely become your website’s permanent identifier.

Select domain later

If you’re out of ideas, don’t worry. You can always skip this step and register your domain name later.

4. Register your Bluehost account

Before proceeding, you will need to fill out a few fields that require your personal and billing information.

Account Information

5. Hosting Options

Even though the one-year plan already seems tempting, Bluehost has additional options for you to consider.

Package information

If you are confident in the longevity of your website, you have the option to prepay for several years, effectively eliminating the need to pay website hosting fees any time soon.

Bluehost package extras

If you’re not sure if you need the other options, feel free to skip them. You can later enable or disable them at any time through your account settings.

6. Create an account with Bluehost to access website building features

Now it’s time to create your Bluehost account.

bluehost Create your account

Like other services, Bluehost requires you to create a new password to log in. Make sure you choose a strong password that is not easy for anyone to guess.

1. Click the “Create Account” button.

2. Enter your password and complete the account setup process.

3. Your account is now ready for use. Click on the “Login” button.

4. Fill in the “Email or domain name” and “Password” fields.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll have plenty of features and templates to help you create your ideal, simple design.

7. Create a website with WordPress

After you log in to your Bluehost web hosting account, you will be guided through a four-step process to set up your website. It is recommended that you follow this procedure if you are creating a website for the first time. Alternatively, you can skip this step and work on creating your website on your Bluehost hosting account on your own.

Here is a summary of the 4-step website setup process:

  • Answer three questions about the type and audience of your website.
Bluehost creates a website step
  • Select additional elements to add to your website from the options provided by Bluehost.
Bluehost creates a website step 2
  • Include details such as your website name, tagline, and comfort level with website creation (these can be changed later).
Bluehost creates a website step 3
  • Explore Bluehost’s suggested themes and choose one, or skip this step if none suit your needs (themes can be changed later).
Bluehost creates a website Step 4

After completing these four steps, you will be redirected to your Bluehost account page where WordPress will be installed and your website structure will be set up.

Launch your website. In your Bluehost account, you can further customize your WordPress site based on Bluehost’s recommendations. These customization options are available for pre-launch customizations of your website.

Bluehost hosting account panel

Your website will go live after you click the “Launch My Website” button!


If you want to create a premium one-page website and find reliable hosting services, you’ve come to the right place. We have presented some of the best options to help you achieve your dreams and become the best in the digital market!

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