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Overcome pressure from your friends to spend money
You’re standing at the bar and someone suggests a round of shots. At some point it’s your turn to buy, and for a million reasons you’d rather not spend your money. How do you overcome peer pressure to spend money before it’s too late? Find out below. In the meantime, get your free copy 5 building blocks for a happy gay life Here.
Listen to the 5 steps to overcome peer pressure when spending money:
Overcome peer pressure to dump highlights
On today Queer money® we present five strategies for overcoming peer pressure and saving money to achieve your hopes and dreams. We discuss the benefits of using cash versus credit or debit cards and explain why it’s useful to have an entry and exit strategy to enjoy a night out with friends.
We describe how Stephen Covey’s principle of starting with the end in mind applies to you, and offer insight into how to prioritize our larger goals to curb our margarita spending. Understand the value of a responsible partner and how to be open with your friends about your money goals while overcoming peer pressure to spend money!
Topics about overcoming peer pressure to spend money
1. Use cash instead of credit or debit cards
- Envelope system with amounts for each category
- People who use cards spend 12-18% more
2. Have an entry and exit strategy
- Don’t be the first to arrive or the last to leave
- Make more cost-effective follow-up plans
3. Start with the end in mind
- Determine larger life goals and objectives
- Ask what is most important for you to spend money on
4. Don’t participate in drinking sessions
- Know your money goals and be open about them
- Remove yourself from the group if necessary
5. Have an accountable partner
- Not alone when it comes to improving yourself financially
- Friends want to help you achieve goals