You can ask Chatgpt why it didn’t recommend it. (Will the scheme help?)

You can ask Chatgpt why it didn’t recommend it. (Will the scheme help?)

For my monthly customers, I regularly had discussions with Chatgpt and Gemini to find out if the tools recommend. For a customer, Chatgpt referred to competitors, but not on them. That was interesting. “The algorithm prioritizes widely recognized sources ((Sounds to Eeat for me!), Current updatesOr content that matches search formulation. “ Next, of course,

You can ask Chatgpt why it didn’t recommend it. (Will the scheme help?) Read More »

Marketplace SEO Tips to Improve Product Listing Visibility • Yoast

Marketplace SEO Tips to Improve Product Listing Visibility • Yoast

You can sell your products online on many marketplaces and all of these platforms benefit from SEO. From improving your photos to writing better product descriptions, on-page SEO is key if you want your product listings to rank in search. What is Marketplace SEO? Marketplace SEO is about making a platform with many sellers –

Marketplace SEO Tips to Improve Product Listing Visibility • Yoast Read More »

Mark Zuckerberg talks classifiers, trust, and algorithmic collateral damage (and it relates to Google algorithm updates)

Mark Zuckerberg talks classifiers, trust, and algorithmic collateral damage (and it relates to Google algorithm updates)

A recent appearance by Mark Zuckerberg on the Joe Rogan podcast provides a great explanation of how classifiers, confidence levels, and precision work with machine learning algorithms. He also explained how adjusting trust can impact the amount of collateral damage caused when updates are rolled out. And if you replace “social” with “search,” Zuckerberg could

Mark Zuckerberg talks classifiers, trust, and algorithmic collateral damage (and it relates to Google algorithm updates) Read More »

Understanding Google’s December updates. Are you affected? If so, what do you do?

Understanding Google’s December updates. Are you affected? If so, what do you do?

The December core update was a quick update and ran from December 12th to 18th, 2024. Google then released a surprise spam update just days after the core update was completed. It ran from December 19th to 26th. There are many Comments to Barry Schwartz’s article about the spam update, where site owners report significant

Understanding Google’s December updates. Are you affected? If so, what do you do? Read More »

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