Why I quit my job TWICE and love it

Why I quit my job TWICE and love it

Why I quit my job twice and it was worth it
I’ve quit my job TWICE, so I speak from experience when I tell you it’s totally worth it. Too many of us get stuck in jobs where we feel comfortable. We fear giving up the security of a regular paycheck. However, If you’re unhappy or your current situation isn’t moving you closer to your long-term goals, it’s time to take action.

how I quit my job twice to follow my passion:

The dual job ditch

In this episode of Queer money®I share what inspired me to quit a good job at Charles Schwab and how my situation improved when I took on a new role at Great West Financial. I talk about the fears I had to overcome during the transition and describe how nervous I was about parting with decent money and a position I liked.

I Explain further Why I quit my job at Great West to become a full-time entrepreneur and addressed the uncertainty John and I faced and what we did to prepare. Listen to to understand how my life has changed for the better since quitting my job (twice!) and to learn how to overcome your fears and take steps to own your tomorrow!

If you don’t like where you are, MOVE. You are not a tree. -Jim RohnClick to tweet

Topics covered when I quit my job twice

What my life was like in 2014

  • Are you comfortable with a position at Charles Schwab?
  • More responsibility led to longer working hours

What inspired me to quit my job (for the first time)?

  • The way out of debt led to this write a book
  • The company did not allow publication

The fears I faced when I quit my job at Charles Schwab

  • I liked the work, I earned good money
  • Wanted to ask for a raise

Why I quit my job TWICE and love it

How my situation at Great West has improved

New boss who supports entrepreneurship
14% salary increase, work < 45 hours/week The Fears I Faced When I Quit My Job (The Second Time) Lose the security of a regular paycheck The high cost of insurance due to ACA The steps we took to prepare to quit Build up additional savings for emergencies Find out about insurance options

How my life has changed since I left my W-2 job

Spend more time with John doing what I love
No stress about working for someone else
Make a bigger impact on the LGBTQ community
More freedom when traveling and following your own dreams

Resources for Quitting Your Job

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