8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer

8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer

Whatever you want to achieve through blogging – money, a full-fledged business, recognition in your field, a creative outlet, or sharing your message with the world – you have to write.

There is no way around it. Blogging Is Write. Your platform, your means of communication, is putting words on a screen for people to read.

And that can be frightening.

Many would-be bloggers are held back because getting their words out into the world seems so daunting. These fears are so normal…so if you are struggling, please don’t feel alone.

As a blogger and author myself with a blog, newsletter, and online writing community, I hear from a much from people who are held back by a lack of confidence in their writing.

Your concerns could be:

  • “I could make a glaring mistake in my post for the whole world to see.”
  • “The readers could leave nasty commentsdisagree with my ideas – or attack me as a person.”
  • “My writing just isn’t good enough.”
  • “No one will want to read what I have to say.”

As a writer myself, it’s heartbreaking to see how afraid some aspiring bloggers are of writing. But I can completely understand why bloggers often feel insecure or uncomfortable.

What has affected your confidence when writing?

Some bloggers have never really identified as “authors,” so they find it difficult to step into that role. Others are – understandably – afraid to do something new.

But in some cases, bloggers lack confidence in writing because something specific happened. This could be:

  • Difficulty writing essays at school or university, possibly poor grades or negative feedback from teachers.
  • People in your life don’t support you or even make fun of your ambitions to make money from blogging.
  • Seeing other bloggers get downvoted or criticized because of something they posted.

It may help you to think about anything in your own experience that has made you unsure or worried about publishing your writing.

Even if something applied to you back then, does it still apply today? Even if you weren’t good at one type of writing (e.g. academic writing), does that really mean you can’t write well in another, completely different context (e.g. blogging)?

I believe we can all write well. Yes, there are things you can do Improve bad writing …but there are many different ways you can write Good. If you can hold a conversation or write a coherent email, you can put words together perfectly enough to write a blog post.

It might also be helpful to know that even very experienced writers often experience a lot of self-doubt. My free e-book The courageous writer begins with quotes from some authors who I consider to be extremely successful. When I was researching this e-book, I was surprised to read that they too had massive problems with a lack of confidence in their writing.

What NOT to do if you’re having trouble feeling confident while writing

I’ve seen bloggers resort to all sorts of coping mechanisms and tools to get around a lack of confidence in their writing. Some of these may be a “quick fix”… but I don’t think they will help you (or your blog) in the long run.

There are three really common things bloggers do to overcome lack of confidence and I want you to stay away from them.

#1: Don’t stop blogging altogether in the hopes that you’ll feel more confident later

I completely understand why some bloggers then write a few posts Give up her blogor maybe even fail to reach the point where they started their blog.

If you don’t feel confident enough yet, maybe you’re hoping that in six months or a year you’ll somehow be ready to start your blog.

But unless you’re actively writing for an audience, you won’t suddenly feel confident. They will just make “writing” seem like a bigger, scarier, harder activity.

#2: Don’t use AI for all your content

Many bloggers are turning to AI tools to help with this Content creation process. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that (and let’s face it, AI is definitely here to stay). But using AI to write everything for you won’t help you become more confident… and it could seriously harm your blog.

Google wants high-quality content, and frankly, an unedited, AI-written draft just isn’t going to be good enough. I promise you can write better than an AI, with unique insights from your own life… and with examples and quotes that aren’t “hallucinated.”

Google also states this “Using automation – including AI – to generate content with the primary purpose of manipulating rankings in search results is a violation of our spam policies.” This means that when using AI-generated content for SEO -You need to be very careful for different purposes (e.g. to target high volume keywords in your niche).

If you want, it’s okay to use AI to help you brainstorm, create an outline for your content, or even make a rough draft. But you need to be confident in your own writing skills so that you can fully edit what the AI ​​produces.

#3: Don’t take endless writing courses

There is absolutely nothing wrong with enrolling in a writing class or course if you enjoy it. I did a full masters in creative writing in my early twenties and have no regrets.

However, some bloggers (and writers in general) get stuck in the “learning phase.” They simply want to take another course or take another class because they believe that this way they can master all the techniques they need.

You can’t learn to write simply by reading a blog, studying a book, listening to a lecture, or even submitting homework. It’s something you do for an audience. You’ll learn how to write better, more meaningful blog posts by actually writing and publishing them.

8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer

Eight practical steps to boost your writing confidence—and grow your blog

So what can you do to become a more confident writer and blogger? I’ll walk you through some practical steps to try. I’ll explain why each of these steps will help boost your confidence – and I’ll show you ways to put them into practice, even if you’re short on time.

Step #1: Build a regular writing habit

A good foundation for feeling confident writing is…actually writing!

It’s hard to call yourself an author or blogger when you haven’t written a new post in months. Get into the habit of writing regularly and you’ll feel less resistance to sitting down and putting words on the page. Just like any other habit (e.g. exercising, reading, or eating more vegetables), the more you do it, the more natural it will feel.

You don’t have to write daily, although some writers find this helpful. I would suggest writing at least a few times a week, otherwise you will have a hard time getting a sense of momentum.

Keep track of how much you write in each session (and how long the session lasted). You’ll soon have a good idea How long does it take you to write 100 words?.

Little time?

No matter how busy you are, I bet you can find five minutes a day to write. You could use a blog post, a journal writing prompt, or just write about whatever is on your mind. Set a five-minute timer and write without stopping…you’ll be surprised at how much you get on the page.

Do you have more time?

If you’re a little more flexible in your schedule, how about scheduling a few one-hour writing slots each week? If you find it difficult to stick to your scheduled writing times, you can use an app like Focusmate or join a group that runs regular group writing sessions (e.g. my Authors’ Café has writing lessons three times a week).

Step #2: Break the writing process down into phases

If I told you to sit down in front of a blank screen and immediately write a blog post, you would probably freeze and have trouble even knowing where to start.

I’ve never met a blogger who could simply pull up a new document, instantly pluck an idea from the ether, and begin writing a flawless draft.

Blogging, like any type of writing, involves a specific process. You may not be used to thinking about it this way, but you could break down the process of creating a blog post like this:

  • Choosing an idea for your post
  • Outline your contribution
  • Write your post (this is what most of us mean by “writing”)
  • I’m editing your post
  • Publishing your post

You don’t have to do all of these steps at once. In fact, I think it’s helpful to tackle each problem individually – and break it down further if possible.

In the next steps, we’ll dive into specific tips for building your confidence in each part of the process.

Little time?

The process may look time-consuming when written out, but each step doesn’t have to take long. And the great thing about breaking it down is that you can easily use small chunks of time. You might have 5 minutes to brainstorm ideas, 5 minutes to plan a post very quickly, and then a 10-minute window in which to formulate the first key point – confident that your outline will get you up to speed keeps you updated even if you don’t come back for a day or two to work on your draft.

Do you have more time?

A fantastic way to use larger blocks of time effectively (and really increase your confidence in your abilities). Be consistent with your blogging) consists of summarizing various writing tasks. For example, if you have two hours, you could start by listing a whole bunch of ideas, then choose from those ideas and fill out your entire content calendar for the next three months.

8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer

Step #3: Choose an idea you would like to write about

Brainstorm blog post ideas can be a great low-pressure activity when the idea of ​​writing an entire post seems daunting. I like coming up with a whole bunch of ideas at once. At this point, I don’t self-censor my ideas: even if something sounds silly or too difficult to write, I write it down.

Then I go through my list and figure out which ideas might work best with my audience. At this point I also think about keyword research and finding the best way to phrase my idea in a way that matches what people are searching for.

Even if you feel like it’s difficult for you to come up with ideas, you’ll find that as you write them down, more and more ideas come to mind. One not-quite-right idea could spark a new train of thought… leading to several really strong ideas. You can also use AI to brainstorm blog post ideas: This could be a good starting point and lead you down paths you hadn’t thought of before.

When deciding on an idea to write about, choose one that excites you or that you are really engaged with. You want to share something truly useful, heartfelt, or thoughtful with the world.

Do you have little time?

It doesn’t have to take long to come up with ideas… and you might even find that you are more creative when time is short. A time crunch can cause you to put ideas on the page, make connections, and develop thoughts. Take 10 minutes and challenge yourself to brainstorm as many ideas as possible.

Do you have more time?

If you have a little more time, look for variations on interesting ideas you already have. The right angle or connection could make your post much more engaging to the reader… and make writing much easier. There are great tips here for the reinterpretation of tried and tested ideas.

Step #4: Outline your post to eliminate your fear of the blank page

A fantastic way to make writing seem less daunting is to create an outline for your post before writing. You don’t have to spend long on this – even a short list of bullet points that covers the most important things you want to say is far better than just having a blank page.

Take time to plan ahead will also help you create a sturdier post with a good, solid structure. You’ll find it easier to stick to your topic or idea as you write, and you’ll know you haven’t missed anything obvious.

AI tools can be helpful in the outlining phase. I would suggest creating your own outline first before asking AI for an outline that you can then compare to yours. This is a good opportunity to look for ideas you may have missed that you would like to include.

Do you have little time?

Think of 3-7 main points you want to cover in your post and write them down as bullet points. This might be enough of an outline for a short blog post. When you write Long form contentreturn to your outline when you have another 5 or 10 minutes and expand on each point.

Do you have more time?

Develop a set of blog post templates that you can use over and over again when outlining: This can save you a lot of time and effort and help you create high-quality posts over and over again. You may have a template for a “How to” post, a list post, a review post, an “A vs. B” post, etc.

Step #5: Write your post section by section

If you have an outline, drafting it won’t seem nearly as difficult. After all, you already know what you’re going to report on… it’s just a matter of putting it into words.

Many bloggers find it difficult to write an introduction. A big advantage of using an outline is that you can easily jump straight to the first point. After you’ve written the post, it’s easier to create an introduction that fits well.

It’s normal to have difficulty concentrating while drawing. You’re probably writing on a computer connected to Wi-Fi with a world of distractions at your fingertips… and composing new material is hard work, so it’s no surprise that you’re turning to social media or checking your email instead .

I use timers in different ways to help me stay focused while writing. If you’re having trouble concentrating, I recommend choosing a section of your blog post, setting a timer for 10 to 15 minutes, and seeing if you can draft the entire section. Then repeat the process for the next one.

Little time?

You don’t need a whole afternoon free to start writing a post. Just 10 minutes is enough. Start with your first important section and write as much as you can in the time you have. Add some more later or the next day. Before you know it, you’ll have a complete draft.

Do you have more time?

I like to break up longer drafting sessions into manageable chunks – it’s really difficult to focus on writing new content for an hour or more at a time. Try writing for 20 to 30 minutes and then take a short break. Maybe you want to give that Pomodoro technique before.

8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer

Step #6: Edit your post to remove any rough spots

Once you’ve completed your draft, it’s time to pause.

I don’t recommend starting to edit your post right away. First of all, drawing is tiring! After you reach the end of your post, the last thing you want to do is more work. Plus, when you come back to your post with fresh eyes, it’s easier for you to spot mistakes and things you want to change.

So give yourself a break. If you can, let your post sit for a day or two before editing it again. Then it’s a good idea to split the editing into two separate components:

  • Rewrite: Look for big-picture changes you want to make to your post. Maybe one of your points isn’t quite there, or you want to move some material around. (If you had a really detailed outline, you may find that you don’t need to make any major changes…that’s okay too.) You may need to do this too Expand your blog post if it came up a bit short.
  • editing: Read your post carefully, line by line, looking for grammatical errors, typos, or clumsy-sounding sentences. Proofreading your own work can be surprisingly tricky, and this is where AI can help too – I use Grammarly to double-check my posts (just make sure you read everything with your own eyes too).

Editing gives your writing a chance to really shine. If you’ve ever wondered about the amazing way an author uses words – their clever turn of phrase or their ability to draw you in without a single misstep or a single clunky sentence – then consider that their first The design may have looked completely different.

Of course, you don’t have to do anything special when writing. An uncomplicated, Conversational style is best for most blogs. If you’re having trouble formulating something, imagine you’re writing an email to a reader (or a friend who’s interested in your niche) and just write it like that.

Little time?

Read your entire post and only correct anything that is objectively wrong (e.g. a spelling mistake). Don’t worry about perfecting every sentence. You can come back at any time and Update your posts in the future if you want to add more details or expand on a particular point.

Do you have more time?

If you can, involve someone else at this stage of the process (see Step 8). Ask them for their insights and suggestions about your post and take this feedback into account when editing. You don’t have to adopt everything they suggest, but you may find that they have a useful perspective or new insight to offer.

Step #7: Publish your post and get used to publishing your words

The final phase of the writing process is publishing your post. (If you wrote an article for someone else’s blog, such as a guest post, then submit it to the editor in this step.)

If you don’t feel confident, hitting the publish button can be really scary! Maybe having something will help you a pre-publication checklistto remind you to do things like:

  • Double check that all links in the post work
  • Include your featured image at the top of the post
  • Set the category for your post
  • Add important SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Elements such as a meta title and description (To stay on track, I use Ryan Robinson’s SEO checklist that he goes through at 12:00 p.m. in his video here).

With your checklist on hand, you won’t have to worry about missing something important or accidentally publishing a post that isn’t quite finished.

Little time?

If you’re pressed for time, you may find yourself putting off publishing your post altogether. I would encourage you to get it out there – even if you wanted something longer. Some parts of the publishing process (such as optimizing your post for SEO purposes) can easily be done at a later date.

Do you have more time?

Add marketing elements to your publishing process. For example, you could share your blog post with a custom-written message social media (more effective than just sharing the title and link), or you may want to email the link to a few blogger friends who you think would be particularly interested.

8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer

Step #8: Ask for feedback on your draft posts

I’m not saying this step would be easy, because I know that asking people to tell you what they think of your blog post can be really daunting. But getting direct, specific feedback on your writing from other writers and bloggers is one of the best ways to improve.

Do you have a friend who loves writing (or who is a good fit for your audience) who could review a draft post for you?

Maybe you belong to a blogging group on Facebook or a local network of bloggers? Or are you perhaps part of a writing group? In mine Authors’ CaféWe have members who share blog posts in our dedicated “Feedback” section to receive helpful comments and suggestions.

Wherever you turn for feedback, you might want to share it with people What kind of feedback would be most useful for you. For example, you could ask one or more of these questions:

  • Could you let me know if you felt lost or bored during the post?
  • Did the structure work or did the post seem confusing?
  • Were there any typos or errors in the post?
  • Is there anything you think I should add to make the post even better?

If possible, it’s nice to return the favor! If someone gives you feedback, ask them if they would like you to rate one of their posts in return.

Get feedback can help you recognize your own strengths as a writer. You might hear that you explained a complicated concept really clearly or that someone laughed out loud at the anecdote you shared about your travels.

You can then use these strengths in future posts. Maybe you want to have a whole series of posts where you break down complicated ideas in your niche and make them accessible to beginners. Or perhaps include more travel anecdotes to give readers an idea Your personality.

Little time?

If you’re having trouble finding time to find bloggers or writers who can help you, make a quick appeal to your social media followers or email list. Hopefully someone will be interested in getting an exclusive first look at your next post!

Do you have more time?

You might want to find a few bloggers who are at a similar stage as you, in niches with some overlap, so you can give each other feedback on each other’s posts. If multiple people provide feedback on a draft, you can easily do this using Google Docs, where multiple people can comment on (or make suggestions on) the same version of your post.

It can be really difficult to feel confident as a blogger. What matters isn’t that you feel completely fearless (I doubt that’s the case with any blogger!)…but that you keep moving forward.

Step by step, build your courage and confidence to continue publishing new content, developing yourself (e.g. by submitting guest posts), and continually reaching new readers. This way you will have a real impact on the world.

If you want even more suggestions and ideas, check out my free mini e-book The Courageous Writer: How to Boost Your Confidence and Boost Your Creativity. It’s full of ideas for all types of writers and includes lots of simple, practical exercises to help you gradually become more confident and creative.

Biography: Ali Luke has been blogging since 2008 and has written for Drift Kings Media, Copyblogger, Smart Blogger, The Write Life and more. On her own website, Aliventures, she blogs about how to make the most of your writing time. You can download her new mini ebook The Courageous Writer: How to Boost Your Confidence and Boost Your Creativity Free: It offers numerous ways to become more confident with blogging (or writing of any kind).

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